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RE: Faith vs. Works Meme #16

in #meme8 years ago

Very nice comeback! Honestly, I did. I had accumulated a lot of worldly possessions during my 12 years in the Army, while I was in the church, and pursuing the "American Dream". But then, after reading the bible for myself, I had some experiences that changed all that. I stopped eating unclean things. Started keeping the Sabbath. Sold everything that I could, gave a lot away, and the only things I still own are what is of necessity at the moment. Once my kids are out, I plan to adopt a nomadic lifestyle, hopefully completely off the grid


That's all great but you can't earn your salvation. I hope you understand that. As James 2:10 states, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."

Yes, that's where grace comes in. Nobody can earn salvation, its a gift given graciously to some of us sinners. The lost sheep, that really have always been His from the beginning. So when He calls, His sheep hear. And his sheep return to Him, and come to know and love Him. It is because they love Him, and desire to be closer still, that they keep His commandments. Salvation cant be earned, that's the whole point.

As long as you get it because I doubt you still get it. You seem to think that grace is only offered to those who "love" God or those who keep most of Hi commandments and fall short in a few places here and there. That's not how it works. To say that's where grace comes in reduces Christianity to a religion like Islam. Every single religion teaches grace and forgiveness in the same manner. What makes Christianity unique is the fact that salvation in Christianity is by grace alone through faith alone apart from our works and performance.

Not what I'm saying at all. Read the books of Moses and read the prophets, and the parables of the Messiah before attempting to figure out what salvation entails.

It's impossible to fully understand the mystery that is revealed in the New Testament by ignoring the New Testament and going back to the Old Testament otherwise the Jews would have figured it out and wouldn't have crucified the Lord of glory as apostle Paul wrote. 1 Corinthians 2:8

"No, we speak of the mysterious and hidden wisdom of God, which He destined for our glory before time began. 8 None of the rulers of this age understood it. For if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."--1 Corinthians 2:7-8
Notice the reference to pre-destination in verse 7.
Revelations says the mystery will not be completed until the end. Which is why the armies of the world will fight Him.
In both the crucifixion and at the end, He was not, and will not be recognized as God, because in both cases people were and are expecting something different then what comes. In both cases the reason for this is ignoring the prophets.