"Getting after this terrible, avoidable waste of human potentiality is what gets me out of bed every morning."
- Marcus Buckingham -
Every potential child,
every infant that has begun to grow in her mother's womb, represents an inestimable potential for wonder, for good, for the blessing of all of mankind.
Thinking of what might have been...
Have you ever wondered, "What if...?"
What if Harriet Tubman had been discarded before birth? Florence Nightingale? Marie Curie?
Would you be reading your computer screen by candlelight, had NikolaTesla not created our modern-day electrical power infrastructure? Would you still be taking trains and buses, without the genius and sweat of the Wright Brothers?
It is the primarily self-centered,
almost solipsist inward focus of modern man that trivializes that potential. The culture of abortion on demand that has become so prevalent in modern times has made a god of convenience. Don't interrupt my plans, little one. My career, my education, my fun is worth far more than whatever life you might have lived...
How utterly sad.
Please open your eyes to the truth and reality of the potential of every life.
I would direct your attention to @inphiknit's original contest post here:
Please read his sensitive appeal. Consider "competing" in this contest in the days and hours that remain. Everyone wins...
This infant, 10-weeks from conception, was removed with the mother's uterus to save her life from cancer. I can scarcely imagine the heartbreak of that mother, of that family.
This meme is a response to @inphiknit's challenge.
Let us make it our purpose to save more lives.
May it be.
"I Love You, Mom..."
Are You A Sadist?
"I just know I would have been amazing..."
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And how utterly true. It still amazes me how many ladies enter into depression after aborting their babies. I don’t know the stats, just the amount of conversations i’ve had at an abortion clinic where those gals thank us for maybe saving other ladies from a similar decision.
You're not allowed to warn them though.
Statistically you'll need years of counseling and antidepressants to live a functional life
If any other 'procedure' routinely delivered such devastating psychological consequences, it'd be banned.
You’re right, statistics don’t lie.
That makes sense with what the nurses tell us. I have heard them say they encourage the ladies to listen to those of us on the sidewalk but they themselves are not able to do much.
I spent the majority of my adult life working to educate pregnant women about the dangers of abortion, and helping those who had difficulty conceiving through intrauterine insemination. The journey of life within a mothers womb is a miracle and anyone who does not think so is blind.
Thanks, Lydon...
Abortion is big business in many ways Very sad that researchers have to stoop so low.
I know i could never do it, the drs told me to have an abortion when i was pregnant with Nichola as she was high risk spina bifida, i said no. Thankfully i did as my amniocentisis test carne back clear.
They're covering their own arse.
They face zero cost for overstating the risks and convincing you to abort a healthy child.
If they don't scare you into it and you have a broken child, they risk getting sued.
The whole thing is revolting on so many levels; but if I try to stop paying for it, policemen will attack me until I'm compliant or dead.
And that, Matt, is an entirely additional level of this horror - that the state uses force to extort funding for their evil deeds... Thanks for weighing in.
So, I would be interested in hearing about how that works where you live?
Here, it is mostly intimidation and fear mongering by "the taxing authorities" who have no compunctions about lying when it comes to tax liability. With authentic knowledge of the "laws" here, and courage to resist, I ceased supporting the evil about 25 years ago by resisting the taxation.
1% of our wage is taken as a Medicare levy to pay for socialised healthcare.
Our employers take it from our wages before paying us.
And I don't suppose your Christian ministers are preaching against this wickedness?
A multiple helping of evil:
I don't know if you ever saw this article of mine?
Revolutionary Perspective on Tax Withholding
Sadly I've never known a church to treat the state as anything but a necessary inconvenience.
I'm sure the clever ones know that raising those questions won't help them keep tax exempt status, or get the new driveway approved by local council.
Sad indeed.
The church has been almost universally coopted by the beast...
Thank God you didn't listen to your doctors! :D
It still bothers me now, what if.
Indeed. I have often thought what if that baby had been the one to discover a cure for cancer, Alzheimer's, etc...
Yep... "The What Ifs" are enough to drive you crazy...
I so agree with you my friend. It is not for us to determine if and when a soul should die. That should be left to God. I believe those unborn babies are in heaven today as part of the prayer warrior angels that look over us. Blessings and thanks for spreading truth @creatr.
Thank you for your support, Troy.
This post reiterates something that @bearbear613 brought down...
"The man from the house of Levi went...” (Exodus 2:1) – he “went” at the advice of his daughter. Amram was the head of the Sanhedrin and when he saw that Pharaoh was throwing the Jewish boys into the Nile, he said: “Why bring children into the world for nothing?” He separated from his wife and all the men in the generation followed his example.
His daughter, Miriam, said: “Father, your decree is worse that Pharaoh's. He only decreed against the males, and you've decreed against males and females. He only decreed death in this world, and you've decreed both in this world and in the next. Pharaoh is evil, and chances are that his decree will not come to fruition, yet you are righteous – surely your decree will come about!”
Amram listened and reunited with his wife, and all the men followed his example and reunited with their wives." (Talmud, Sotah 12a)
I wonder how we can imagine the next world if we don't allow what's coming to this one...
Otherwise, I'm up late tonight if you have want a chat, I left you a skype.
Thank you for this too...
Resteeming. Hoping this infanticide will stop.
Thank you, @poimenpost.
yes @creatr, every man think he was better and amazing than other.