Meme challenge #23 + Winners of #22

in #memechallenge7 years ago

Hello Memearmy!!

Winners of Memechallenge #22

(Judge: @themagus)

All entries are clickable!

First place: @loffy1999

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Second place: @vegeta

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Third place: @beetroot

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Congratulations to all the winners!!

Meme challenge #23

Judge will be @gregm

For this challenge you have to make a meme of this photo:

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Winner - 20 SBD

Second place - 10 SBD

Third place - 5 SBD

Mentions - 2 SBD

No new donations


  • Title of every entry must contain "Meme challenge # - Entry #"
  • First tag of post must be #memechallenge
  • Your meme must contain text
  • You can add/remove something from the original photo but again photo without text isn't a meme
  • End of challenge will be on Sunday at 12:00 (UTC +1)

How to support challenge:

  • Vote on this post
  • Resteem this post
  • Create at least one entry
  • Each user can have up to 3 entries that will be considered in challenge
  • If you are interested to be guest judge on next challenge contact me at
  • If you have an picture for next meme challenge contact me at or send me on email: [email protected]
  • If you have some extra money donate it to make new challenge possible

Big thanks to people who donated for #memechallenge :

@dumar022 , @papa-pepper , @onceuponatime, @moon32walker, @tmntzara, @the-future , @ebryans, @fulltimegeek, @karenmckersie, @kus-knee, @inphiknit, @gonzo, @thecryptofiend, @good-karma, @donkeypong, @giftedgaia, @hanshotfirst, @felixxx, @taskmanager, @son-of-satire, @runridefly, @karenb54, @sykochica, @buzzbeergeek, @tincho

#memechallenge has it's room at so feel free to join the room to promote your entries and communicate with other participants. You are all welcome!!


Support #memechallenge with your upvote!

Payout of meme posts are filling memechallenge reward pool!

Good luck everyone!

Greetings from @fibra59

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There are 2 pages

Here's my first entry.
Here's my second entry.
Here's my third entry.

This post received a 4.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @arkadiy! For more information, click here!

Thanks for the mention mate! And congrats to the winners!

Holy crap I got a mention! That is awesome. Thank you so much for doing this. I will keep trying. These are great!!! Nice work everyone and congrats to the winners.

Thank you for participating .. Hope to see more your entries :)
I have sent you 2 SBD

you freaking rock! Thank you!

Lol the meme about hardfork voting is definitely number 1, great choice !! :D

Congratz everyone, and thanks @fibra59 & @themagus!

My first entry and second entry. Let's do this!

Aww yeah, I got an honorable mention :-) How do I get them sweet sweet SBD winnings?

Oh, I see it's already in my wallet. Color me embarrassed. Meme on. Steem on. Nothing to see here.

This post received a 0.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @fibra59! For more information, click here!

Funny memes, really liked them all, congratulations to all the winners!

Congratulations to all winners :-)

i liked the kevin bacon one the most😆🎳

Love the memechallenge! I'll definitely be submitting this week :D

great ! Thank you :)

Oh my god! I can't imagine I am the first place in the memechallenge. Thank you very very very much! You guys encourage me to keep doing this. I will make more funny meme to you guys. One more time to thanks @fiba59 to held this awesome challenge, and also thanks @gregm to chosing me!!

Thank you for participating :)
The judge was @themagus ;)

Followed. Wow. Keep up the good work. I've been making memes for years on social media.
P.S. Thank you to @goldenroom for telling me about your page here. Yeah I'm new but I gotta give credit where it's due. Haha

Thank you :)

I will join this time 🙂

we are waiting for your entry :D

Thank you for the mention and 2SBD. Well done winners and good luck for next week :)

Thank you for participating :)

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Last time I have failed to win this time hopes I will win

Hey man, I'm not looking for an up-vote or anything, just wanted to let you know I appreciate the meme challenge and mentioned it in a blog.
Thanks for what you do for the Steemit community.

Thanks for the mention. Congratulations to all winners.
I'm so going to do this one.


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by divilati from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Fun challenge, i'm in!!

Can i Join?

Yes of course :)

i've sent my entry already sir, thank you

After following B N W photo contest. Im coming to this challenge. I d join soon @fibra59. Let's me reblog this one.

Thank you :)

Here i am. New participant of the contest @fibra59.

Glad to see more people engage :D

Onto the next CHALLENGE! of meme world!

@fibra - I'd like to become a "supporter" of the meme challenge and maybe even judge it someday. What do I need to do for that to happen?

Thank you @chuckypita.. Currently only way to support memechallenge is to suggest funny pictures for future memechallenges :D
In these challenges rewards are really high so it is hard to put new users for judges..
Of course it is possible but firstly I need to look few your entries :)

hi @fibra , this is my first entry for the #23 meme challenge.

HELLO to my 11 followers:) thanks for following me ;D
First attempt, I hope you all like it. :)


Thank you for your time @fibra59 and @gregm, you guys rule!

ahahahah :D


ahahahahh :D

There are 2 pages