Oh love....tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all...really? SMH...losing is relative; just as amorous love is not really relevant to real-life. Journeying with a kindred spirit who honors and respects you; and who has a great honest, money-earning/management ethic will take you a lot further than the cutie with beauty fleeting by the second. Of course, chemistry (kindred spirits) is essential; but, too often people marry based on the elusive 'attraction'.
Paraphrasing 1Corinthians 13: Love is patient, kind, unselfish, not puffed up (egotistical), not self-serving...How many are in a relationship right this very instant in the exact opposite of these genuine words; and yet telling the world you're in love. SMH...nope...not love...As..@raghwendra noted..attraction at first sight, maybe...but l o v e, love...nope...
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Speaking of Corinthians, here I am in Corinth:
Man oh man, what I wouldn't give to visit. It looks fantastic. Makes me think of the coast back in Romania.
OMGoodness...How beautiful...talk about blue sky meets blue sea!..
Wow, to be on such Holy ground...how special.
Thanks for sharing the breath-taking view...simply beautiful!