OMG, wait...this one does!
This is a non-entry for the #MemeChallenge but it was just to good not to share!
here: If you enjoy these challenges, please upvote @fibra59's announcement post for this week
You can also get the download link for this week's image in there along with all the rules as well!
I'll be back to the guide/faq writing again tomorrow. I kinda needed the day off. Lol.
LOL. I like it so much. U deserve to get upvote @sykochica. Very creative, unique and has full humour and meanin. I hope i can follow it on first day. Im being late following these contest. Visit my wall, i ve latest post.
That's too cute.
Please follow me. I'll follow you.
Hahahah! Lol
I always knew that.. I just blamed it on the dog
Hahah! They're great for that!
Hahahhaha, exactly 😉
I know my farts stink. I'd make that face when I realize my farts don't stink! :D
I just blame it on one of my children. Problem solved.
It's all fun and games until you realize it wasn't just a fart...
Either that or a nug slipped