This second one is an actual quote from a show.
Someone doesn't understand what Bitcoins are.
Larry Lang, China’s Most Famous Economist, Refuses 100 Bitcoins
"...another Chinese economist, who is to take part in the show, publicly stated that “Bitcoin is the real currency, and it marks the future of currency,”
The best endorsement of all from Barack Obama
There's a couple of shows it has been mentioned on. People think Mr Robot right away but even before Mr Robot BTC made a few appearances in Almost Human. The show was cancelled but it was set up in the future, and you could see how people would crowdfund and even pay for someone cleaning their car windshield with BTC.
Thank you for contributing! 0.5 STEEM for you @tommycordero
Thanks a lot for the tip! My wallet hadn't seen STEEM in a while :p
Funny that more popular tv shows are including bitcoins, however it would be better for crypto in general if the sentiment was more positive, lighting out the innovative aspect in that matter right?
I like your icon, and so i like the fact that bitcoin is exploring the movie/tv show industry.
All we need now is Matt Damon is buying a house + pizza with bitcoin and we are all set to launch to the moon!