Monthly meme dump

in #memes2 years ago

It used to be weekly but then I simply forgot to do it so I don't even know for sure if I am going to stick to doing it monthly. It's not like I keep a calendar reminding me to do this crap.

Anyway, about 4 years ago I did a great purge on social media because I felt as though it was wasting a ton of time in my life and also creating completely unnecessary arguments that went nowhere, only made enemies out of friends, and took up too much of everyone's time. I also realized that most of the people on my friends list were people that I hadn't seen or even thought to go see in 20+ years or also people that I have no idea who they are. I did a purge of almost all social media and now the only thing I really do online is write blogs, watch videos, and other such things that are likely also a waste of time but not as much of a waste of time as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are.

I look the most at 9-gag, which isn't really social media outside of a few dicks on there that love to argue in the comments but they don't actually know one another. 9-gag for the most part is a place to find memes or interesting Tweets without needing to dig through all the garbage in order to get to it.

This is where the memes come from and here are some of the ones that made me think for the most part, and one that made me laugh.


I've forgotten who this guy is but I think he is some kind of conservative political pundit. He has the "Change my mind" booth and I've seen a few videos. Anyway, this booth is not real, it is a photoshop but I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment. I think that social media has lead to an eventual downfall of society, especially among the youth who put absolute importance on their online persona. I see it in my own life even as an adult... people of all ages don't know how to behave around other people anymore and everyone is stuck into their phones constantly. I hate it and refuse to participate in it.


Someone forwarded me this Reddit thread after we had a similar incident in the bowling chat group that we set up on Messenger. I almost never even look at it but someone sent me a Telegram message informing that that shit was "wildin" in the messenger group. He wasn't wrong: The people that see one another every week were basically having tantrums and throwing digital chairs at one another over a simple question of "where would we like the bowling after party to be." and I don't know what kicked it off but all sorts of personal accusations and wild comments were being thrown around. This eventually resulted in 2 of the members, who had been bowling with us for over a year, to never come with us again.

People do things in comments sections that they would NEVER do in real life face-to-face and I absolutely hate it.


You know I couldn't have a selection of memes without without including something adorable about dogs right? Well one thing that I absolutely love about my dog and most dogs in existence is the fact that they basically love to do almost anything. I'll say "Hey Nadi, want to go up to the gym?" She proceeds to spin uncontrollably and basically is overcome with emotion. I don't think she even knows what the gym is but she knows she gets to go just anywhere with me and it all of a sudden is her favorite thing. As far as food is concerned she will eat anything with glee, even if these things are not tasty. Ok she wont eat most fruit but I think that is common with all dogs.


When Covid was still in our lives (remember that?) I don't think Vietnam entered the levels of absolute idiocy that much of the western world did but I do recall seeing things like this. This is no doubt designed simply to get around the myriad of absurd rules that governments were setting up all over the place and I gotta say, even though I had to endure a couple of weeks of not being allowed to leave my house here in Vietnam, I am super stoked that I never had to see nonsense like this.


One of my best friends here in Da Nang is from California. I haven't spent much time there but just like most people, I have this idea that everything in it is wonderful and fancy like Hollywood. The actuality is very different and now that I know that this is the case I use every opportunity to poke fun at my friend. He doesn't take it personally. On the contrary he laughs along with me and confirms that it is most likely true.


I have a rule when I am out drinking with friends. I do not discuss politics. I don't really understand why anyone would want to and it is just a surefire way to end up having a completely unnecessary argument. When I do overhear these arguments happening in my midst though, I tend to think about sayings like this one, which is in itself a patronizing statement because it suggests that the speakers perspective is somehow superior to the other person's. I think that almost everyone is so entrenched in their way of thinking politically or about social issues that there is no point in discussing them. No one's mind is not already made up and there is no evidence that you could present that would change their minds. Also, almost nobody that doesn't already agree with you cares about what you have to say so why not just keep the peace and get on with your lives?


This last one kind of hit me in the feels because it basically defines me. I have been single for a number of years now and honestly, I don't really even try anymore even if it looks like I have a chance at being with someone. I think you only need to get burned but so many times before you just give up on the game altogether. There is no reason to feel sorry for someone like that, or for me. I think some people just reach a point where the battle losses that you have already experienced overwhelm your desire for future potential victory. I find my outgoing personality disappearing more and more as the years go by and honestly, I'm ok with that.

That last one was a bit depressing so I will instead leave you with a great picture of my super-duper cute doggo


To this day we have no idea what happened to that banana.



It doesn't matter if my wife tells me I'm not mature
I'm not going to let her enter my tree house without the right password

Credit: reddit
@gooddream, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @memehive

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

I can't view the memes but the post is beautiful.

I'm also doing like you, I realized that since I've been on Hive I practically don't open social networks anymore. Except Twitter but I use it for posh heh heh

well that's a shame you can't see the memes but just know they were funny. Leaving social media behind is something that I think can benefit everyone. I'd like to say that a lot of the people I know have done the same but I can't say for sure.... because I am not on social media.

Yes, I fully agree with you, plus social media are absurd time suckers, I don't know until you leave them.

But let's say that whoever invented them studied well the system for anchoring people heh heh! From that we should take inspiration 😉

I'm not really a fan of social media either. For many of the reasons that you posted in that other meme. I am in a couple Facebook groups for hobbies I enjoy and the stuff that happens in there sometimes is just annoying. It's pretty sad when Reddit is often more civil than Facebook! When Covid hit my wife and I just stopped going out. Not that we really went out a lot anyway. A lot of the bars put up big tents like that, but some of them put up small igloos so you could isolate with your pod. It was kind of cool. I totally get the one about breakups. I went through a bad one early in my life and it totally changed me. Sucked out all of my joy for a while and I still don't think I am the same person now as I was before.

It's pretty sad when Reddit is often more civil than Facebook!

I would imagine that Craigslist (if that is still a thing) is more chill than FB. The arguments with people on FB is a massive part of the reason why i decided to leave it all behind. I think we are all better for it.

Yeah, Craigslist is still around. Mostly just people buying and selling stuff. I haven't used it in quite some time.

The pictures you shared are not showing here. In my opinion, every young man spends 5 hours of his life every day on social media. He doesn't understand it now, but using him in this way is a waste of his life. If you want to do it like this, then yes, you should also work on hive or projects like this. If a person is sitting in a lot of tension, this kind of meme removes his tension. Such a show seems to be one such show on our TV show where they imitate every politician. The show is on one day a week and we all watch it together. Here too, when we friends or relatives gather and talk about politics, there is a fight with each other, each person is supporting his party.

huh, that's concerning because they are showing up on my end. I'll edit the post and see what happens I guess.

really great wording on your part by the way.

I am waiting as soon as you edit these pictures i will look at them because it becomes very interesting.

Everything in moderation but extremes are a damn sight more fun!

Still in Vietnam? Hope you and the dog are doing well. Happy new year. Watch out for killer rabbits.

As I go along with each memes and description, I have all kinds of replies in my head wanting to comment back, but the last one does struck me like a bolt. I guess it is true when you don't want to lose a battle anymore, and the battle lose you. Am married for the past 16 years, and good thing for me is nothing seems to change much except extra two little humans running around 😂 I never try to convince anyone staying in the game, but I'm commited to it and decided to stay in the battle. I'm still doing the "wrong things" all over the place, just to piss her off to make sure she's still in this crap with me 😂

Another two things I MUST comment on, somed is no longer limited to Facebook or IG. Technically there's an entire generation of tiktoker whom exchange shorts to trigger conversations 😂 Like if I make a 10 seconds dance move, upload it, and you as myfried, you instantly take a short video and respond to my dance move. Totally insane. Whilst I thought I'm pretty modern, but my neace and nephew proved I'm only a piece of furniture.

Also, I like how you put it in words regarding the e-fight when the bowling members throwing "digital chairs" at each other 😂

Totally reminds me of every Taiwan parliament discussion. Now this totally leads me to tell you why politics topic being brought up. Every Friday I will me having a roast pork meet(instead of beer meet) with a bunch of older friends. And each week, subconsciously "allocated" like half an hour talking about politics. It's not like we want to be the political commentator, but that'd what pretty much the rest of us know from the news announcement 😂 it's just like the North Korea propaganda, when Kim Leader have a new haircut, we all talks about that brilliant political kove Kim does to make him looks more like a leader.

Like if I make a 10 seconds dance move, upload it, and you as myfried, you instantly take a short video and respond to my dance move. Totally insane

I know what you mean dude and I totally agree. The "response" videos are much worse than the originals but that seems to be what everyone is doing these days even though I don't look very much.

I am happy to hear that you are doing well in life with your wife for sure .

I love memes!



What did the shark say when he ate the clownfish?
This tastes a little funny.

Credit: reddit
@gooddream, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @sharkthelion

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Never been on social media so I am happy to say I missed all the fun times but happy I had a real life. Sad to think so many are governed by what they do online and they take things seriously. You should purge it all out as the ones you keep in contact are your real friends and no one else should matter.