
Too late, I brush my teeth with the stuff al the time, don't even care anymore.
What can you do against the "elites"? between quotations, because I know what they really are and I don't want to say it.
Should I grab a gun and murder a politician the president or what? WE ARE SLAVES. So concluding..we are fucked.

Maybe try fluoride free tooth paste and filter your water!!!!

Water is free of fluoride, it is from a well in my backyard. But the government here (Portugal) has been trying for years to sneakly force the law, to make everyone use public water. Scary stuff.
Alot of poor people from the interior, and even some areas in the citys, used public fontains, for their water supply a few years back. But they have been forced/tricked into paying for public water, from this private water companies. They said they were closing down the fountains at the time, and that the water was not safe, but they still work today. They also spread the rumour that private wells were going to be forbiden for water consevation porposes, everyone received a letter to pay for public water installation. Imagine how many people gave up their good clean water for that shit they sell?
My auntie that has around 70 years old pays 35€ for the water, out of the 200€ pension she receives from the government.
So it's not only about the fluoride, it is a huge business, and politicians get their share.

Either way should filter. The agricultural run off alone is not friendly

What's not friendly is water treatment stations, pigstys and other industries, dumping their waste on rivers. The people also have guilt in that, but the governments are the main responsables.