
Does it come in "black"?

When you've signed let me know too @trumpman

Thats bad coloour to choose

Mmmm,δε χεριάζετε να υπογράψεις κάπου! μπορείς να πας στο Attica να πας στην Hugo Boss να φωνάξεις αλαχ ακμπαρ… και να πάρεις ανενόχλητος ότι θες χωρίς να πληρώσεις γιατί δε θα υπάρχει κάνεις εκεί… :PPPPPP

I guess it is very difficult to readjust after such a long period of privilege.
The lefties owned the justice system for decades.
Get your popcorn and enjoy!!!!!🍿🍺

These people are mentally ill. The judge that is stepping down is a conservative anyways. These people are so fucked in the head. I thought they were all moving to Canada anyways. GTFO.