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RE: Memoir Monday (A new initiative on HIVE)

in #memoirmondaylast year

That's a pretty awesome idea. I've been down on some of those streets you mention several times. We never had a store like this, but I know what you are talking about. I might end up being a week behind if I participate in some of these since I get my Monday post out pretty early! I'm looking forward to reading yours though!


Thanks, it's been a while since I've done something like this so I thought it'd be fun. I remember a chain of stores in local malls called "Spencers" that used to be similar to Yankee Trader. I think there are still some Spencers locations still in business, probably in larger cities. Oh cool! I'm glad you'll be participating. Future questions will have a little more gravity than this first one did.

Oh yes, I know Spencer's for sure. It's not something I grew up with, but when we finally got a mall in the town where I live they had one there. I remember there was some pretty risque stuff in there so my parents were pretty opposed to me going in there.

Yes, it's super risque now but wasn't quite as bad in the late 70's. They've definitely dialed up the sex a whole lot since then.