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RE: Memoir Monday #16 (6/23-6/30) - How Has Your Country Changed During Your Lifetime?

in #memoirmonday7 months ago

In the past I probably would have said that things like racism are worse now than they were back then. I don't think that is entirely accurate though. I think they were still there. People just weren't so bold as to voice their opinions out loud. You could have been surrounded by bigots and you never would have known it. These days though, it's a free for all. I was listening to Obama speak the other day and it really made me sad that he didn't get a fair shake. He already had the deck stacked against him going in. The fact that he was black along with the growing vilification of the other side was just too big of a hill to climb. I'm sure there are people who will point to things he did wrong or bad decisions he made, but I think a lot of that is propaganda fueling that continued vilification. I also think anyone how knows how government works is smart enough to realize sometimes there is a no win situation. The way they bundle bills and laws makes it a virtual sophie's choice to actually do anything positive for the country.


True! I think there are two worlds, really. The one portrayed in the media and then the real world. I think a certain segment of society take the faux, media-driven negativity to be reality and that in a way makes that media created circus world spill into reality. The stuff that some people believe is just hard to comprehend sometimes. Conspiracy theories are floating around about the Obamas in the alt right media about how Barack is gay and Michelle is really a man, they call her "Big Mike". According to them their daughters were "donated" by another couple for show during their time in the Whitehouse. Oh, and Biden isn't really Biden, he's a body double wearing a rubber bask. I mean, if that were the case, wouldn't you think they'd choose someone more articulate? That is the worst double ever. Lol.

Oh my, I don't think I can even handle diving into that hole. It just makes zero sense!

I like to "keep an ear to the tracks" to see what's going on in both factions of the extremes. My "X/Twitter" feed allows me to skim the surface without diving too deep.

I get it, but I am not sure I want to dive into that kind of research!