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RE: Memoir Monday #38 (11/25-12/1) - Who is someone you’ve lost touch with but think about often, and what impact did they have on your life?

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

I had a number of bullies when I was younger, but only a few of them ended up being friends to me later on. You can tell when I bring it up to them they are quite embarrassed. That's too bad about your friend. I definitely have people I have fallen out of touch with, but I don't know as though I think about them often. More like occasionally if I had to guess.


It seems the bully/victim pattern replays itself generation after generation. It's no fun when you're on the receiving end of it, as a child. I've noticed the bullies' lives tend to peak in their younger years but the victims usually go on to experience greater things in life as they get older. I'm sure that's not always the case but seems to happen more often than not.

Yeah, that definitely seems to be the case. I guess I don't know specifically with mine. I haven't even thought about them in years!