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RE: Memoir Monday (A new initiative on HIVE)

in #memoirmondaylast year

That's a great idea for a service. That's one of the great things about the internet—all these cool ideas like this service.

I'll have to think about my answer to that question. I don't really know offhand. I don't think we had a Yankee Trader in Muncie Indiana. I can't recall any store like that. I remember seeing stores like that in movies and wishing we had one that I could visit. The closest thing we might have gotten were the school festivals we had once a year that would sell things like that. I always looked forward to those events for my one chance to buy trick gum, whoopie cushions, and things like that.


It’s such a great thing, especially for older relatives. These stores are growing few and far between in the US but I saw a few of them in London when we were there a few years ago.