Memoir Monday #18 (7/8-7/14) - What simple pleasures of life do you truly enjoy?

in #memoirmonday3 months ago (edited)



/ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation. Usually memoirs. an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography. the published record of the proceedings of a group or organization, as of a learned society.

Week 18’s prompt is about the little things in life. These simple pleasures are often things we accumulate throughout our years that add an extra spark of joy to even the most mundane of our days. I’m looking forward to reading more about yours.

Memoir Monday has grown so much that I won’t be able to comment on everyone’s posts anymore (and get my own work done) but I’ll still be supporting your posts with reblogs, votes, and shares on my other social media accounts (X, Facebook, etc.).

For all of those who’ve regularly participated in Memoir Monday - keep going, you’re making great progress in chronicling your very own life story for future generations to enjoy.

For those who missed the inaugural post explaining what the Memoir Monday initiative is all about you can find it here.

Now for next week’s Memoir Monday prompt:

What simple pleasures of life do you truly enjoy?

My answer:

There are several simple pleasures I’ve grown to enjoy in my fifty-three years on Earth. What first comes to mind are the daily, ritualistic pleasures. Weirdly, many of my daily rituals revolve around beverages.

I like that first strong cup of coffee in the morning with breakfast, a mug of clouds and mist green tea during quiet moments of writing or reading, or the glass of red wine with dinner. My favorite wines these days are from the Sardinian region of Italy.


This wine particular wine is one of my favorites. It’s inexpensive, delicious, goes with almost anything, and has a higher level of antioxidants than most red wines due to how the grapes are grown.

When I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed by life in general nothing soothes me like a walk in the woods or a ride on my 1958 Raleigh Sports bike. When I found this bike in 2012 on Craigslist it was a complete wreck and have had great fun restoring it over the past decade. I’ve sourced original parts from all over the world to complete it. It’s been like assembling a puzzle that I can ride.


There’s just something special about riding this old bike that never fails to ground me and put a smile on my face. Maybe there’s a stronger emotional connection to it because of all the hours I’ve spent working on it. I plan on keeping this for the rest of my life. When I can no longer ride (hopefully many decades from now) it’ll be moved inside as an art piece.

I also really enjoy camping, a backyard fire, quiet moments in nature, feeling a cool breeze wash over me on a warm summer day, or watching the dark and foreboding clouds of a thunderstorm rolling in. It’s also satisfying to plant and tend to a garden and then revel in the harvest, either with my senses of sight and smell in the case of flowering plants or my taste buds in the case of edible plants.

There are a few television shows that are also simple pleasures of mine. I really enjoy the Scottish comedy Still Game and some of the older Mr. Bean episodes but can’t really explain why. Maybe because so much of my ancestral DNA is from the UK? All I know is both of them thoroughly entertain me on some fundamental and subconscious level.

Travel is also very high on my list of simple pleasures, the less extravagant the better. When I travel I get the most enjoyment from the off-the-beaten path activities. Some of my best memories are strolling the streets of Montreal, London, Amsterdam, and Ireland with no real destination, just taking it all in.





I still have to pinch myself whenever I take these trips. I can’t seem to shake the awe that I’m actually able to experience these amazing places and am very grateful for the opportunity. Everything from the research to the planning of a trip is thoroughly enjoyable to me. There’s something about exploring a place I’ve never been that lights up my soul and makes me feel utterly content. There’s nothing quite like sitting on a restaurant patio in some foreign country while watching the locals go through the motions of their lives, and immersing yourself as much as possible in their culture.

Next is probably the most peculiar thing on my list, shining shoes. My Father taught me how to do this when I was really young so each time I shine shoes it reminds me of him. Being a writer my work ends up being intangible arrangement of words on a page, the feelings and reactions those words evoke in others can be tangible but I rarely get to witness this. When I shine a pair of my shoes I see a real, physical outcome of the work I’ve done and to me that is deeply rewarding.


Last but not least is watch collecting. I’ve collected timepieces for over thirty years. Learning about watches and connecting with others who share the hobby has been a lot of fun for me over the years. I own watches more rare and worth more than this 1918 Elgin Pershing trench watch but this is my favorite. It rarely gets wrist time these days because the movement isn’t anti-magnetic so if you get close to any magnet whatsoever it won’t keep accurate time anymore and has to be sent to a watchmaker to demagnetize. Sadly, magnets are everywhere today in our modern world.


As I get older I’m finding how I’m enjoying these simple pleasures and quiet moments more and more. These things add so much to the enjoyment of daily life.

Rules of Engagement

  1. Please reblog this first post and share on other social platforms so we cast the widest net possible for this initiative;
  2. Pictures paint a thousand words. Include pictures in your posts if you have them;
  3. Answer each Memoir Monday prompt question in your own post. If possible, the prompt question will be published in the week prior so you'll have the entire week to answer and publish your own post;
  4. Have fun with it, don't worry about getting behind, or jumping into the project at any point after we've begun; and
  5. Lastly, be sure to include the tag #memoirmonday.

It's that simple.

At the end of the next twelve months we'll have created something immensely valuable together. It's so important to know our "whys" in life and there's no better way to do that than this.

Someday all that will be left of our existence are memories of us, our deeds, and words. It's up to you to leave as rich of a heritage as possible for future generations to learn from. So, go ahead, tell your stories. I can't wait to read them.

Be well and make the most of this day. I want to sincerely thank all of the participants thus far. I've really enjoyed reading your posts!

~Eric Vance Walton~

(All photos are original.)

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The simple pleasures of life do I truly enjoy is being able to enjoy free time with my beloved family. From your writing I can see that your life is truly perfect, Eric. God bless you.

That sounds wonderful Eliana! Looks can be deceiving sometimes, my life is far from perfect but I just try to make the most of it. God bless you too my friend. I hope you're enjoying the weekend.

Maybe because so much of my ancestral DNA is from the UK? All I know is both of them thoroughly entertain me on some fundamental and subconscious level.

I was thinking about you the other day. I had to write an essay for my psychology course and I wrote about the cultural complex of Americans, especially when it comes to Europeans. I find it very sad that most Americans are so cut off from their European roots. White Americans, obviously :) I was thinking about the traditional American tourist wondering from one attraction to another without realizing that our European culture is theirs, too. I remember you saying how familiar London seemed to you. England is the the land of your ancestors, Shakespeare runs in your veins, too.
A nation that turned its back on its European tradition has no history and will try to compensate this by other means, like money or military might.

I can tell you for personal experience that learning about my heritage has not only deepened my connection with my ancestors but also the understanding about my place in the world. I've always had an unexplainable fascination with Britain but didn't know why but it became more clear after taking the DNA test. I even like fog for God sakes.

That's so interesting, I've never thought about it that way before. You're 100% right, most Americans of European heritage have no clue about where they come from beyond a couple of generations nor are they even interested (except for a small few). Also, it's become fashionable/acceptable in the American education system to denounce European ancestry (they are the evil "colonizers" after all) and they tell people they should feel ashamed about it. Little do young people know, history is much more complex than the version of it they're being taught. The world entirely was different centuries ago and things that were once widely accepted and practiced by almost every culture on Earth are recognized as atrocious now that we've more evolved. I really value my European ancestry and it makes me proud. I feel more complete because of what I've learned.

I miss London.

That bike is a work of art. I mean, it's also the photo (does that count as one of your simple things?) which is gorgeous. But really, really pretty. It could be an ad. Even for people like me who fall flat on their face on bikes xD

How has it been eighteen weeks already? It's a really good one. If you think how many glasses of wine we take for granted.

I miss it too! I hope to get back there with my brother within the next year.

Thank you! It's been a sort of obsession of mine to learn all I can about it during the restoration. It's 100% complete now. The last piece of the puzzle was the period-correct rear reflector. The reproductions are made of brittle plastic that breaks but the originals are rubber.

I know! The time has flown. It's been a real challenge, time-wise, for me to keep it going while juggling everything else but I'm glad I've kept it up. Haha, so many glasses of wine are unappreciated!

You don't know how much I enjoyed this post, Eric. I almost visualized you doing every single thing. Here in Venezuela I knew a writer who, before writing, always shined his shoes. According to him, it was a way to relax and get into his essence.
This week I know I will enjoy a world of fun doing my share because one of the things I enjoy most is writing. It's already Friday!!! Have a great and restful weekend. A hug

I'm glad you enjoyed it! That was smart of the writer to recognize that shining shoes put him in the headspace to create. I'm looking forward to reading your entry! I know it'll be a great one. I hope you enjoy the weekend Nancy! We have gorgeous weather here.

Good music, good friends, a campfire, a good whiskey, hanging out with friends and family. Those would probably be mine. Not in that order!

Those are super snazzy shoes, I'm sure you also love the smell of shoe polish!
There's so many simple pleasures that we just take for granted.
I also enjoy Mr. Bean 🙈
Wonderful topic again, I need to get a move on and catch up!
PS I see you've reached 8 years on the blockchain, happy 8th birthday Hiversary Eric!

Thank you! I got those Redwing boots straight from the factory in Redwing, MN. They were factory seconds but have only a few blemishes. You like Mr. Bean too?!? Have you ever watched Still Game on Netflix? If not, be prepared to laugh uncontrollably. I had to turn on the closed captions because the Scottish accent was so thick. I appreciate that Lizelle! Those eight years have flown. I really hope this place survives another eight! I don't know know what I'd do with it.

Thanks for the recommendation, I'm always looking for something new.
I enjoy a mix of genres. An excellent series to watch is After Life, a British comedy-drama with Ricky Gervais, also on Netflix. It's laugh-out-loud one minute and then tears the next.
I usually watch mystery thrillers or good stuff based on fact, but currently am on the last season of the comedy series Grace and Frankie, an oldie but very funny.
I'm sure/ I hope, Hive will pick up again. There's so much whale support for Vibes. I know they are trying to attract musicians, but in my opinion, the majority (not all) aren't here for the long run, so how sustaining is that for the blockchain?
I'm going down the coast on Monday, hoping to see some Sardine action, and that my brother and our friend catch some fish for the pan.
Have a great Saturday Eric!

You're welcome! We watched a few episodes of After Life and might revisit it after we're done watch The Bear. Grace and Franky was pretty good! I think we finished that one up during the pandemic.

I'm growing a little concerned with the direction things are going. I think, in the end, it boils down to whether content creators are earning and getting real engagement (or not) and a lot of this hinges on the price of the token. So many users are commenting now without even reading posts, fishing for comment upvotes. We've seen the exodus from the platform many times when the token has significantly dropped in value and then traffic returns when the price recovers. If I was here just for the $$ I would have left long ago. Lol. As it is now I don't think there are any exchanges left where Americans can even trade Hive. I think this is a big reason why so many of the US-based creators have left. They need to focus on getting Hive on more exchanges to increase liquidity. If we fix this then I think the platform will eventually rebalance. I hope so anyway.

That sounds like a fun Monday! I hope you enjoy it!

I was a tad put off by the foul language at the beginning of After Life, but it becomes so very humane and funny, brilliant.
It is VERY disappointing when writing and realizing many are not even reading, merely scanning or reading one sentence and then commenting hoping for an upvote!
That's so bad that they're making trading so difficult.
Let's hope that changes soon!
Looking forward to Glenmore, seeing the sunrise on the East Coast is simply stunning, and falling asleep with the sound of the ocean is the best lullaby!

Yeah Ricky Gervais can be foul mouthed! I think we need to give that one another try.

The cycles of the platform seem to play out time and time again throughout the years. I made the mistake early on to upvote comments and kind of wish I hadn't done that. I think some users even have multiple accounts and respond more than once to maximize the upvotes they get. Very frustrating but I try not to let it ruin my overall experience.

Rumors are saying that our SEC chairman will be stepping down (or be forced out) soon, he's been very anti-crypto and bad for innovation in general. Many of the best crypto projects have left the US due to unclear or overly aggressive regulations. They always say it's for "consumer protection" but we know better. ; )

That will be wonderful! I hope to see some pictures! Enjoy and safe travels to you Lizelle.

Wow man you really have cultivated a beautiful array of simple pleasures in life. From your morning rituals with coffee and tea to the joy of restoring your beloved bike, each moment seems to carry a special connection to your past and present. For me I love to wake up Walk around the living room thinking about bright future success hahahaha

Thank you! Visualizing success is a great first step!

Absolutely brother

Thank you for sharing these delightful glimpses into your life! Your love for daily rituals, from that strong morning coffee to the soothing green tea and the enjoyment of a glass of Sardinian wine, paints a vivid picture. Your restored 1958 Raleigh Sports bike is not just transportation; it's a piece of your heart. And those moments in nature, TV shows, and off-the-beaten-path travel experiences—all woven together—create a rich tapestry of simple pleasures. 🌿🚲🌟

Thanks for reading!

Hello my brother how are you?Hopefully you are always fine. Greetings from me.

Good to hear from you! I hope all is well!

Good friend.

I think as we get older, the more our pleasures become simpler, I know mine have. I enjoy reading all the entries that the Silver Bloggers submit into the Silver Bloggers community, so will endeavour to participate for the first time this week!

It's a great project you have initiated.

I know that's certainly the case with me, I'm noticing the simple things more and more as my mind quiets down. So glad you're enjoying Memoir Monday and I'm looking forward to your entry!

Excellent, I shall do my best.

You have a long list of small pleasures that I share, the first coffee of the day is undoubtedly the opening to the rest of the enjoyments. Accepting that there are pleasures in almost everything we experience gives us the privilege of a great life.

I wanted to leave my participation

Thanks for participating again this week!

@tipu curate 4

One of the simple pleasures of life I always love doing is to listen to cool music anytime I am.down and in fact most of the time I will say

Music adds a lot to life!

How are you dear friend @ericvancewalton good afternoon
How great this initiative is, I love this week's slogan, especially because we have the opportunity to get to know you better
Have a beautiful afternoon

The week is starting off pretty well so far. I've already drafted seven chapters of the new book! It's coming along faster than I thought. That's kind of you to say my friend! Enjoy your afternoon.

That is very good news, great that you already have seven chapters written, your new book will be another real success

Neat, simple pleasures. We have quite a few that coincide. It is great to be able to enjoy these.

I agree, I value these things more and more each year!

I loved reading the post, it's amazing how everyone is filling their life with little details. One of the things I miss from another time is camping on the beach, those moments of sunrise and sunset are one of my favorite things in life.

Thanks for the initiative dear @ericvancewalton . I will soon make my publication.

Thank you! I'm looking forward to reading yours @irvinc!

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