Memoir Monday #21 (7/29-8/4) - What have been some of your life's greatest surprises?

in #memoirmonday3 months ago (edited)



/ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation. Usually memoirs. an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography. the published record of the proceedings of a group or organization, as of a learned society.

Week twenty-one is nearly here. We’re almost at the halfway point of Memoir Monday! Life can sometimes seem static, like it’s never going to change but that’s a false assumption and can be dangerous. When life is good we feel like those good times will last forever. On the flipside, when things are bad it feels like our luck will never change. This prompt surprised me, the feelings it dredged up, the inner truths it helped uncover. Frankly, I’m blown away by it. As you're writing your own, I hope it has a similar effect on you.

Memoir Monday has grown so much that I won’t be able to comment on everyone’s posts anymore (and get my own work done) but I’ll still be supporting your posts with reblogs, votes, and shares on my other social media accounts (X, Facebook, etc.).

For all of those who’ve regularly participated in Memoir Monday - keep going, you’re making great progress in chronicling your very own life story for future generations to enjoy.

For those who missed the inaugural post explaining what the Memoir Monday initiative is all about you can find it here.

Now for next week’s Memoir Monday prompt:

What have been some of your life's greatest surprises?

My answer:

Probably one of the biggest of all of the surprises I’ve had in my life is how quickly time passes. This one thing in particular is talked about so often by middle-age folks that younger people don’t give it much relevance, I know I didn’t. Middle age comes fast and I assume old age comes even more quickly.

To borrow a phrase from the military, proper planning and practice prevents piss poor performance. For me the best plan would be to take good care of yourself physically and psychologically. Make laughing and having fun a priority. Life can be extremely hard but if you have your health, sense of humor, and mobility it makes absolutely everything easier.

Also spend time with older relatives and be patient with them. In the 70’s and early 80’s we used to visit my dad’s uncle Midge, who was really more like a father to him, every Sunday. My aunt Mary would make the best fried chicken I’ve ever had. After spending all day there my dad would tell him we had to leave and my great uncle would always say, “Jake, there’s no need to rush off.” My dad's name was Verlo but my uncle called him Jake. Old age is extremely lonely and you begin to understand that in middle age. I see now why it was so important for my dad to spend that time with his uncle.


Me, my great-uncle Midge (Curtis), their dog “Fluffy”, his wife Mary, and my brother Curt.

The next thing that surprised me was that money doesn’t bring happiness. This is something you simply can’t understand until you experience it. Money doesn’t eliminate problems it only creates new ones but it is a means to an end. It’s actually the freedom and peace of mind that the money can provide that’s the true gift. The peace of mind that all of your basic necessities are taken care of and freedom to do what you want when you want, this is the best part. Luxuries are called “trappings of wealth” for a reason. It’s best to learn how to be happy living with less. Experiences are better than things, always.

Also, how valuable writing would become to my inner peace surprises me. It started as a wish, with hard work matured into a career, but eventually blossomed into a love affair. My relationship with my craft has deepened to the point that I feel like it’s intertwined with my soul.


I now have the great luxury of not having to write for anyone but myself anymore and don’t even publish some of what I write. Writing has been with me for decades through good times and extremely bad. This craft now feels like a best friend that’s been by my side through each stage of life. It’s allowed me to be stronger than I ever imagined I could be.

The last thing I’ll write about is how fickle life is. Life is constantly changing to a greater or lesser degree and it’s unpredictable. You can’t realize the extent to which this is true until you get older. Situations and fortunes can change in an instant. People who you assume you’ll be very close with your entire life can have a change of heart or something might happen to them.

The important thing isn't having friends as much as it is being a friend to others. As you’re preparing for the future, try to focus on and enjoy the moment and those people you’re sharing that moment with as deeply as you can. This sounds much easier than it is but it’s extremely important to remember. The truth is that particular moment will never happen again. There’s so much good in this life if we simply make ourselves present for it.

Rules of Engagement

  1. Please reblog this first post and share on other social platforms so we cast the widest net possible for this initiative;
  2. Pictures paint a thousand words. Include pictures in your posts if you have them;
  3. Answer each Memoir Monday prompt question in your own post. If possible, the prompt question will be published in the week prior so you'll have the entire week to answer and publish your own post;
  4. Have fun with it, don't worry about getting behind, or jumping into the project at any point after we've begun; and
  5. Lastly, be sure to include the tag #memoirmonday.

It's that simple.

At the end of the next twelve months we'll have created something immensely valuable together. It's so important to know our "whys" in life and there's no better way to do that than this.

Someday all that will be left of our existence are memories of us, our deeds, and words. It's up to you to leave as rich of a heritage as possible for future generations to learn from. So, go ahead, tell your stories. I can't wait to read them.

Be well and make the most of this day. I want to sincerely thank all of the participants thus far. I've really enjoyed reading your posts!

~Eric Vance Walton~

(All photos are original.)

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Good morning @ericvancewalton, great truths that you tell us and that are only possible to assimilate with age and experience, because when we are very young time seems eternal. On the other hand, it seems to me that it is beautiful to be surprised by life, even if time presses us. Greetings, happy week.😊

Buenos días @ericvancewalton, grandes verdades las que nos comentas y que solo son posible asimilarlas con la edad y la vivencia, porque cuando somos muy jóvenes el tiempo nos resulta eterno. Por otra parte, me parece que es hermoso dejarse sorprender por la vida, aunque el tiempo nos apremie. Saludos, feliz semana.

Good morning! You're right, surprises can be beautiful because they can even exceed your greatest expectations! Thank you @damarysvibra!

Brother, time flies by and we can't stop it. All we have left are those images that immortalised the past. I identify with you, grey hair is already part of me and what I haven't seen in more than six decades of life. I'm going to collect things from the past and elaborate my history, that which I miss and that which I don't even want to remember… A hug full of blessings.

I have a few of those things I don't wish to remember also! Thanks, and I wish you a good week!

I echo much of your biggest surprises in life Eric, especially your opening phrase.
How the years have flown by! That, for sure, is one of life's biggest surprises!
Writing is an excellent tool; it helped me tremendously, especially this past year.
Have a great week my friend!

They go so quickly! We're lucky if we can make good memories along the way. Writing is such good therapy. I don't know what I would have done without it this past year, it's been one of the toughest of my life. I hope you enjoy your week as well Lizelle. Thank you!

How are you dear friend @ericvancewalton
This will be another great week of Memoir Monday
I think that the passage of time, especially after turning 18, is what surprises us all the most.
Thank you very much for sharing these experiences
Have a beautiful afternoon

All is well here! Our weather looks amazing for the next ten days. How are you? I hope people like this prompt. I sure did enjoy writing mine. Enjoy the rest of your week my friend!

I agree with all of those! I think one of the things that surprises me the most is just how little of this life actually matters. All those big things that you think are so important and matter so immensely, eventually don't end up meaning much of anything. I think the other thing I would say surprises me is the fact that miracles do happen. You might think you believe they do, but you don't really get it until something like that touches you directly.

That's a great point. There was a lot I've worried about in my life that seems petty in retrospect. We waste so much of our youth that way but I suppose it isn't really a waste if we learn our lesson from it. I'm also a firm believer in miracles and have experienced them more than once.

I feel like I'm surprised that so many things still surprise me. At this age, I have seen that many people are pessimistic and resigned, as if they have seen it all, but I am certain that every day is an opportunity to surprise me. Sometimes life has surprised me pleasantly, and I am grateful and smile, but other times it has surprised me bitterly and I find myself like a little girl trembling in the middle of the open. Life is a surprise and if we are alive, there is a high percentage that comes out of our throat the exclamation, the woe, the oh, that matures slowly in the honeycomb of our heart. See you and have a nice Tuesday, my friend. Hugs

Yes, life has a way of grinding people down sometimes. The sad part is in this life, oftentimes, you experience the things you expect to experience. If you believe in suprises/miracles they're much more likely to happen and vice versa. I get into ruts every now and then we're I turn pessimistic but, thankfully, it has never lasted very long. Above all else I hope to never lose my curiosity. I feel bad for those who aren't curious about the world. Thank you Nancy! Enjoy what's left of your it beer-o'clock yet? : )

Hahahaha. No, not yet. It's only half a day here and I'm saving all the beers for Sunday, after the opposition wins the elections in Venezuela, to celebrate the freedom of my country. I send you a big hug, my friend

I hope the election has the outcome you want! If so, maybe we'll move there. It's not looking like we'll be having many good options here in the US. Have a good rest of your day, Nancy!

Are you a Democrat or a Republican? For some things, I can believe you are a Democrat, but for others, I can believe you support Trump.
Oh, and excuse my curiosity.

Honestly right now I don't agree totally with either party. I was actually rooting for Robert Kennedy Jr. but there's no way he has a chance now, he's polling in the single digits. The media has effectively killed his campaign. There are certain aspects of Trump that really concern me. His choices for cabinet positions are especially problematic. They tend to be people with huge conflicts of interest in regard to the agencies they're going to be overseeing. For example, the CEO of a chemical companies being nominated to lead the Environmental Protection Agency and CEO's of hedge funds and banks being nominated as Treasury Secretary. It's like the fox guarding the henhouse. I'm completely disenfranchised by the agenda of the Democratic party even though I used to vote democrat. I feel like American politics is rotten to the core at the moment. We so desperately need a viable third party because I feel like the two we have are really just like opposite sides of the same coin and are making some very horrible decisions.

I know that feeling. The world situation requires a different kind of politician. Sometimes I see some world leaders from other countries and I get envious and ask myself: Why can't my country have leaders like this? There is a saying that people get the leaders they deserve. And maybe it is true.
I won't take up any more of your time, my friend. Have a nice Wednesday.

Can you imagine! If you review the history of Venezuela, in the last century it became a country that received many immigrants from all over the world (the German community, for example, has a whole area that they built called La Colonia Tovar, a wonderful town to visit). For this reason, many of the tourist inns are managed by foreigners who bought houses near the sea or the mountains and created earthly paradises. I have great faith that Venezuela will become the country where people want to invest and spend their lives. Amen, amen, amen and amen. A huge hug, the size of a country.

The pictures I've seen of it look amazing. I hope to see it someday soon! I'm not getting any younger. Lol. Thank you Nancy!

Sense of humour is very much true. Appeeciate the fact spending sometime with relatives make wonders in our life. Thinking of being lonely in old age makes me sick now itself. That's a 100% truthful fact my friend. My younger son completed his degree, for his post graduation we have been trying close by, inorder to avois loneliness. Finally, a choice of our own interests makes us strong. Nice write up.

People who retain their senses of humor are so much more resilient as they age! Even through suffering with Alzheimer's my dad kept joking up until almost the very end. The loneliness aspect of aging is tough. My mom says, "People had better like themselves as they get older because you spend a lot of time alone." I feel like as we age, especially in America, we lose relevance in society. People don't value the wisdom of the elderly nearly enough here. I'm already feeling that at 53 years old.

I totally agree with your mother my friennd. Better to love yourself and live for yourself. Here in India, once it was a close knit family with all staying together, now the scenario is changing as also are going abroad for a better future and the worst part is know body wants to cone back to their hometown. Me too at 53, is trying to please myself that I will alone. Difficult indeed, but has to.

The importance of family began to unravel in America in the late 1970's. Coming from someone who's lived away from his family for more than thirty years I'm not sure if I'd make the same decision if I had it to do all over. Money isn't everything but, sadly, many don't realize this until too much time has passed. We're the same age! I just turned 53 myself.

Your lines are really touching though its the reality. By the time we accomplish what we require, we lose many of them. And this comes into realization very lately. Another 5 months to go for me to turn 53. Happy weekend.

You're right. Time really flies very quickly. Growing old is natural and we must be prepared for that situation. Have a nice day, Eric.

Thanks Eliana! I hope you enjoy your day also! I hope you join us one of these weeks for Memoir Monday.

The passage of time is indeed surprising. I was with my parents some days ago and I saw how old they were looking. I did flash back to when they were young and it dawned on me that each of us is aging with time.

We have those moments, don't we? Moments we're reminded how fast it's all going. It hits pretty hard once our parents are elderly.

Isn't it funny how time flies? I always wished we could be young forever sadly, someday we too will get old.

I absolutely love some aspects of getting older. Life gets easier in a lot of ways if we learn our lessons. I also really like not caring about what other people think. I'm kind of in that "sweet spot" of aging at the moment where I can do most everything I did in my 20's. I hope that lasts a really long time. Lol.

They true, the beauty of old age lies in the wisdom we have acquired in life.

I can say that it is "time"

When I remember the old good days in past and calculate about how many years have passed, makes me surprised each time.

My aunt said even into her 80's that she still felt like she was in her thirties until she looked into the mirror and saw and old woman staring back at her.

Truly I think we are in the same page also. Sometimes it really amazes me how quickly time flies

Thanks for contributing!

Time flying by is such a powerful realization. It's incredible how quickly life moves and changes man

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