I wish you could meet her too. I have a feeling you two would become friends. Being the mother of two boys we were always pulling pranks on her. I remember once she fell asleep on the couch and it was about 7pm in the evening and it was winter so it was pitch black. My brother and I changed all the clocks to 2am and turned off all the lights then woke her up. We could be pretty imaginative with our pranks. Lol.
That was a great summer. We did a lot of landscaping in the yard too. I built a retaining wall and we planted a ton of perennials. So many great memories!
Haha, shame on you and your brother Eric! I can just imagine the two of you giggling and waiting for your Mom's reaction😂
This is what I love about Memoir Monday, all the memories that come flooding back, and are stored here.
I believe we could become very good friends!
It was all harmless but I'm sure we kept her on her toes! Lol. Revisiting the memories have been great and I'm also glad they'll be here on the blockchain for future ancestors to read.