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RE: Memoir Monday #19 (7/15-7/21) - What early memories do you have of your sibling(s)?

in #memoirmonday8 months ago

Man, I feel that. I sometimes fall back on the "but they're family!" argument. Then I remember the thing about who you keep around you and protecting your energy and...nah.


Yes! Family is different. For the really toxic ones I stay congenial but keep a healthy distance and proper boundaries. It's so easy to fall back into the "this time will be different" or "maybe they've changed" mindset. Most people don't change, sadly, (unless they really have a strong desire to and are willing to do the work) it's like trying to override an operating system.

Most people don't change, sadly, (unless they really have a strong desire to and are willing to do the work) it's like trying to override an operating system.

I feel learning that has been hands down my favorite lesson of the past few years. It's very useful, even if it at first seems bitter/depressing.

It sure can make life a lot easier though! Lol.