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RE: Memoir Monday #19 (7/15-7/21) - What early memories do you have of your sibling(s)?

in #memoirmonday8 months ago

helped to shape who we are as adults. If we’re lucky our siblings were, and hopefully still are, our first best friend(s)

You are totally right, they'd forever be our first best friends. I couldn't have asked for better siblings like the ones I have, they will forever be dear to me.

I remember asking my Mom if we could please take him back. In hindsight, I’m glad we didn’t.

Hahahahaah I can imagine😂😂

Ohh Eric this was so nice to read, I kept grinning from ear to ear from start to finish. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful piece😊😊


I'm glad you were lucky enough to have a good relationship with your siblings too! I appreciate you taking the time to read it!