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RE: Memoir Monday - Week Twelve (5/27 - 6/1)

in #memoirmonday9 months ago

Reading your publications I always learn new things about your culture. It must be a great experience to have a neighbor like Mrs. Werkhaven. At present I have some neighbors who make my life very difficult, maybe I will talk something about it in my publication. Thanks for the call dear @ericvancewalton . Happy Sunday. A big hug from Maracay.


Back then America really was a melting pot of so many cultures. These cultures used to keep their traditions but assimilate into the country and become "Americans". Today it's very different, many people who come here wish to retain their culture and not assimilate. Some don't attempt to learn the language and live their lives just within their own communities. This divides us as a country even more. Here in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) all state and city government documents are printed in four different languages (Somali, Hmong, Spanish, English). You see this at ATM machines and health insurance documents as well.

I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor! This can make life very difficult. Thanks for participating in our adventure again this week! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

How interesting to have public documents in four languages. Here we always had many Spaniards, Portuguese and Italians who came here after World War II. In the last few years many Chinese and Arabs are arriving. I saw that your city is quite far north, it must be very cold. Here we have heat all year round, with an average temperature above 30 degrees Celsius. Have a happy week dear @ericvancewalton . A big hug from Maracay.