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RE: Memoir Monday #46 (1/20-1/26) - What Makes You Sad?

in #memoirmondaylast month

I was struck by what you point out about people who are not aware of themselves or the environment they are in.
The basic thing to be able to change is to know ourselves, to know what our dark areas are, without that there is nothing to do.
I often see many people of my age getting angry about the same things they were angry about when they were young. They don't think about the waste of energy it represents for them, nor the damage they do to themselves by feeding negative thoughts. It seems that their thinking has not matured.
Thank you for leaving us this topic dear @ericvancewalton . A big hug from Maracay.


It definitely is sad seeing an older person who has never learned their lessons or evolved in any way. One of my favorite things about the phase of life I'm in now (middle age) is being able to step back and come to the realization that we can't change anyone's minds. We can only control ourselves and our thoughts, beliefs, and reactions. There's great power and peace in I'm sure you also know. I'm glad you're continuing to enjoy Memoir Monday! Thanks and have a wonderful rest of the week!