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RE: Living in interesting times

in #memoirmonday8 months ago

We have some nostalgia here as well, mostly the elderly saying things were better in communism. For one thing, people tend to consider life was better when they were young. Obviously. One of the advantages of that era was certainty. You could be certain you'd get a job once you graduated, you could expect you'd be assigned a place to live and, since there was little to spend money on, you'd make it till the next paycheck. In a sense, communism accomplished its mission of making people equal. Equally poor.


That's the impression I got from the Bald and Bankrupt episodes. It was people looking back to the past with the rose-colored glasses.

Speaking of freedom, you mentioned that channel was banned... The communists banned Western media... or tried to, at least. After the war in Ukraine started, I follow Russian news on Telegram. If anything, it's good to see their point of view. I am aware it's also propaganda, but I find it more imaginative :))

The channel is still active but he's no longer able to travel in Russia. He's banned from the country for life. I bet it is interesting to hear the other side of the story. I've done that consistently with US domestic news since 2016, I listen to both sides of the extreme. You can usually be pretty sure the truth can be found somewhere in the middle. : )