Thanks for the chuckles Eric. I can just imagine little Eric despairing at the crying and wanting baby Curt to go back to where he came from😅
And, getting home in one piece when you drove your first car from the dealership; you must have had many chuckles about that, over the years ;)
It's great that the two of you get along so well. I find there's often a kind of rivalry between brothers, but I absolutely blame it on schoolteachers or parents who make comparisons. You were both fortunate to have grown up with wise folk.
I had four brothers, so have to get cracking on my response, they were real rascals!
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It's only when I think back to these past memories do I realize how different the world is today. We were given so much freedom as children. Both my brother and I are pretty driven/competitive but not so much towards each other. Our parents accepted our differences and I'm very thankful for that. I bet there was never a dull moment in your house growing up!