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RE: Memoir Monday #37 (11/18-11/24) - Write about a favorite teacher.

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

I absolutely agree with you about how underpaid and undervalued teachers are. They're in charge of shaping the future of children and ultimately society, yet in many instances, it's a thankless job!
A teacher can make or break a child!
I'm glad you had Mr. Morgan for English, what a blessing that was!
Funny my English teacher in Primary school also made a big impression on me.
I hope you're enjoying your new home Eric🤗


It's insane that their value hasn't been recognized on a larger scale. In a just world they'd be making much more money and be more appreciated than they are. Maybe that will happen sooner or later. It was certainly a blessing for me! It's hard to say where I would have ended up without that shot of confidence. What was your teacher's name? Thank you, Lizelle, we're spending the night there at the new house for the first time next Monday (11/18). We can't wait!