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RE: When people knew your name

in #memoirmonday10 months ago

My life growing up was all about community. I lived on a housing scheme, similar to what they would probably call a council estate. Everyone knew my name for good and bad reasons 😂. My mum was a teacher and my dad a headmaster and a pastor, so the entire parish and sometimes neighbouring parishes from both directions knew my name. It caused stress sometimes and I was a feisty little girl who many hated to love and loved to hate. I couldn't do anything without word getting back to my parents.

I still maintain that community thing and used to be friendly with neighbours. It took me forever here in the Uk, to get used to living on a street and not knowing everyone's name.

It's a different world now.


I couldn't do anything without word getting back to my parents.

That must have been tough :)
I cannot imagine the transition to life in the UK.. from what I've seen they seem very keen on privacy... not much chance of knocking on some door to borrow some eggs.