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RE: Memoir Monday #46 (1/20-1/26) - What Makes You Sad?

in #memoirmonday2 months ago

I think you hit the nail on the head for a lot of what causes saddness. I think what a lot of people miss is that it's not only our leaders that sow division but also those from other nations. A lot of us are being gas lit on the daily.

One of the best thing about this blockchain is that it kind of teaches to to recognize that there is no authority. This is a tough lesson for some to learn, but when they do learn it, they often come to realize the power that they have within themselves. Nobody is coming to save us. We have our voice and here, it's very hard to silence us. We are owners or our own outlook. We control our saddness and our happiness. At least that's my opinion.


A lot of us are being gas lit on the daily.

This is so true! It's like a kind of hypnotism that we must all free ourselves from...the ultimate escape room.

That was a huge lesson the blockchain taught me early on. I had no idea what freedom really was until I discovered the blockchain community. The philosophies and beliefs just open your mind up to a completely different world of unlimited potential.