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RE: Memoir Monday #14 (6/10 -6/16)

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

How did you manage to summarise so many things! I agree with a lot of what you have said in your post. I look back and say that there are parts of me that I don't know where I left them. You know, I have had to unlearn many things, especially those that have to do with family, political and cultural beliefs. I've met many people from my childhood, friends, and they've told me: Hey, you've changed so much, you even speak differently, they tell me, and I think to myself that it would be very sad if, after so many years and so much progress, I were still the same. I read somewhere that we either accept reality or we assume the costs of resisting it. If there is one thing I am grateful for, it is people who make me think and you make me think. Thank you and see you.
P.S.: Agree with @honeydue: Eric, how beautiful you were as a kid.


It took a while and about four rewrites! Lol. The first couple were way too dark and pessimistic. I had just listened to a Lex Fridman podcast (#431 with Roman Yampolskiy) about the dangers of A.I. and it scared the hell out of me.

Isn't it weird how a good part of our middle-age is unlearning? Nobody really tells us that or talks about it much.

I agree with your philosophy and that quote is a good one "we either accept reality or we assume the costs of resisting it". If we're living a life that is true and honest then we do change from year to year. The change is brought about by growth and it's natural and healthy. What's unnatural are those who are "stuck" and don't change. Many people get frozen in life because of fear of this or that.

Thank you Nancy! I'm so happy when I hear people are still interested in what I have to say. I entered my "ugly duckling" phase around the fourth grade when I got glasses. Lol. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!