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RE: Memoir Monday #19 (7/15-7/21) - What early memories do you have of your sibling(s)?

in #memoirmonday7 months ago

I don't know why that last paragraph made me want to cry! Maybe because it's beautiful to find people who thank God for giving them the family they have.
These days I was reading about how before we are born, we choose our family. The family is the one that will allow us to achieve our mission in life. You chose your mom, your dad and I imagine your brother chose you.
Regarding what you say, I think it's great to have siblings of the same gender and without much age difference because they become our playmates and accomplices in our adventures, I say this from experience.
It will be nice to talk about my (4) siblings, because as you said, I wouldn't be the Nancy I am today if it wasn't for them.
Let me give you a hug here to thank you for your support. A big hug, Eric


I've heard people who've had near death experiences say the same thing about how we choose our family before birth in order to learn the exact lessons we're meant to learn in this incarnation. It's an interesting concept and would me a lot of things that happen to us more clear. I believe our world is like a schoolhouse and its sole purpose is for us to experience life, make decisions, and learn our lessons along the way.

Yes, I agree! I'm glad there were just over three years between us. We could relate to each other a lot more that way. I'm looking forward to reading about your siblings. Are you the youngest, oldest, in the middle?

I am the second, but many times I have had to play the role of the eldest. I like the concept of life as a school: we only move forward when we learn lessons. A nice Wednesday, my friend. Regards

The role of the eldest can sometimes be a difficult road. Yes, we get prompted when that light bulb goes on and we learn our lessons. Thank you Nancy. Just a few days left and another weekend will be upon us!