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RE: Memoir Monday #36 (11/11-11/17) - Have you ever had recurring dreams? If so, describe them.

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

Is there an Eric, at this moment, at this very moment, living another life, having other habits? And all the Erics that exist, who is only one, You, are found in dreams. Your dreams are fascinating especially because of the details. They feel so vivid, though I imagine with your writing streak, it must be like that: almost literary stories taken from centuries past. In my case, I also have recurring dreams and recurring nightmares, having to do with haunting and loss. This will be a very interesting #memoirmonday, as always. A beautiful Thursday, my friend. Hugs


This is precisely what those who believe the "infinite universe theory" believe! We all have several versions of ourselves co-existing at the same time in different dimensions or universes. It's hard for me to completely wrap my head around. I've always had a super vivid imagination and my dreams are usually full of this kind of detail but I do have some that are "fuzzy" around the edges and I struggle to even decipher what they are or what they mean. I can't wait to read your contribution and thanks for the idea about making topic this a #memoirmonday theme!