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RE: Memoir Monday #37 (11/18-11/24) - Write about a favorite teacher.

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

I was very touched by your story, Eric! As a teacher, I must say that it is a source of pride that a student remembers us as you remember your teacher Morgan. In the end, as I tell my students, the only incentive we teachers have is not the salary or the awards, because as you rightly say they are pyrrhic, it is the knowledge that our students acquire. In my academic life I have had many teachers who have marked me positively, (also negatively). It will be difficult to choose just one, but it will also be a real pleasure to know who sowed the seed more deeply. A nice Tuesday, my friend. Hugs


Teachers can make such a huge difference! I'm sure you've made a positive impact on many of your students. If the salaries were higher I wonder if it would attract the wrong kind of people into the profession? I've never thought about that before but I can't help but wonder. Thank you and I hope you're having a wonderful week!