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RE: Memoir Monday #38 (11/25-12/1) - Who is someone you’ve lost touch with but think about often, and what impact did they have on your life?

in #memoirmonday2 months ago

I never suffered from bulling, and I even believe that I was always the mean one, however, it was a thing of young students, of teenagers with nothing to do. It's a pity that your friend, with so much talent, has remained in that stage of “camorrero”, of rebel without a cause. You know, I have seen that many people stay in the stages where they felt they were taken into account, hence people who stay with the same style, the same behavior, the same work, because they feel they would be ignored if they did something else. As I was reading, I remembered someone, so I know who to talk about on Monday. A nice Tuesday, Eric. Hugs


I'm glad you were never bullied! I didn't have a huge problem with it, only a few times before my teenage years. It's very sad to witness someone "stuck" in life but most often you have to come to the realization that no one can really save them except themselves. That's a very important lesson in life. I'm looking forward to reading your contribution! Thanks Nancy and enjoy your week!