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RE: Memoir Monday #42 (12/23-12/29) - What are your favorite dishes—either to cook or to eat?

in #memoirmonday3 months ago

A nice way to end the year: talking about food. I have discovered that one of my love languages is just this. I don't just like to eat, I like to cook for the people I love. I am also more into savory dishes than sweet ones, although my mother makes a corn pie and a pumpkin pie that I love. I like to make and eat spicy, spicy, smelly food. Although I enjoy a good cheese, olives, sausages, palm hearts, mushrooms and asparagus with a good red wine. I hope to have time to participate! I'm already caught in the Christmas wave. Hugs to you and happy holidays, Eric.


I'm the same way, Nancy. There are few better ways to show love that to cook for someone and put a lot of care into it. I've never heard of corn pie! I completely understand about being busy. I barely had time to get this post out but I knew if I didn't do it yesterday it probably wouldn't get done in time. Merry Christmas Nancy! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday together!