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RE: Memoir Monday #47 (1/27-2/2) - If you had to summarize your purpose in life in one sentence, what would it be and why?

in #memoirmonday10 days ago

It's a very difficult question to answer and I'm sure many people leave this world without knowing the answer!!!! It's good that you know it, because that makes it easier for us to go through this world or at least we are more focused on the things we want and are fundamental for us. I also believe that the word has power and life gives us what we desire, ask for, attract. Gratitude is an excellent way to tell the univer “I want more”. I live in infinite gratitude because I know that I am one of the favorite daughters of the universe!!!! A big hug for you, Eric.


So true! Many don't even take the time to figure it out because it takes work. Living in infinite gratitude is a wise way to walk through this world, Nancy. It's not always easy but I try my best and sometimes find I have to snap myself back in synch. I hope you're enjoying what's left of your weekend! Thanks for the comment.