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RE: Memoir Monday - Week Twelve (5/27 - 6/1)

in #memoirmonday9 months ago

What a wonderful neighbor Mrs Werkhaven was! Lucky you. We should all have such great neighbors!

I hope to participate in this endeavor of yours again this week. Where does the time go?! I had great neighbors too and, now that I've moved back to my hometown, I've reconnected with the best of them. This should be fun.


We were very lucky! She ended up being like a mother to my mom too. My grandmother passed when my Mom was in her early twenties. It's weird when I think back across my life, those who I deemed "stern" or "mean" ended up having the most impact on my life.

I hope you can join in this time but if you can't I understand! Time has been getting away from me lately too. Summer is always more difficult because the outdoors is always calling.

Like my geometry teacher! She made me stay after school many days until my homework was absolutely perfect. I credit her with my being so good at college math, one of my earliest loves.

Yes! Thank God for those people, as painful as those things were to go through in the moment. I'll never forget Mr. Morgan, one of my middle school teachers. I was petrified when I heard I got him in the seventh grade. He ended up being one of the best mentors I've ever had, he brought me out of my shell and turned me into a leader in the class.