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RE: Memoir Monday #22 (8/5-8/11) - How did you manage periods in your life when you had the least money?

in #memoirmonday7 months ago

My folks did alright. Solid story of work hard, buy right, an investment property or two and then they retired with a decent sum. Boomers in Australa are much resented for it as the new gen has very little opportunity to even get on the property ladder. A lot of people are asking for early inheritance - if that's possible.

Dad now keeps saying 'oh, don't worry about it, money doesn't matter' as I longingly look at houses about 200k AUD too much for us (we don't really want another mortage) without any understanding of how difficult it is or how relatively little we have to them at that age, and underestimate how much we really, really, really don't want to slave for it.

But I should put all this in a post, right?