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RE: Memoir Monday #38 (11/25-12/1) - Who is someone you’ve lost touch with but think about often, and what impact did they have on your life?

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

So mamy people come and go in our daily life. But for some reason we get attached to someone whom we feel special, such seems to be Matt. Hope you get him back as your old jovial friend. Upbrinong is one of the important part in moulding a child's character. Somewhere it failed in Matt's case, that was evident while he watched you in stage with tears in his eyes.


So true! I'm in touch with Matt's son and he has made some strides this year to get himself sober but that will be a struggle he fights for the remainder of his days. I wish him the very best, I really do. Somewhere inside of him the person I knew still survives.