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RE: Memoir Monday #37 (11/18-11/24) - Write about a favorite teacher.

in #memoirmonday3 months ago

First of all, I am grateful for the selection of this topic because I am a teacher by training and I have been a teacher for 30 years of my life, and I can assure you that my greatest achievements have come from there.

The pay and social recognition of these teachers is insignificant compared to the work they do and the responsibility they have in their hands in shaping the future of society.

Reading your post made my eyes misty because my best teacher or professor has meant so much in my life and is one of the special human beings I have ever known.

Thank you for this wonderful idea.

Happy week.

Cheers and best regards.


The sense of accomplishment you must feel when you realize you've made a difference in a student's life has to be massively rewarding. You're welcome and I thank you for joining us in Memoir Monday! Have a wonderful rest of the week.