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RE: Memoir Monday #39 (12/2-12/8) - What was your first car?

in #memoirmonday3 months ago


The truth is that what has the highest quality will not always necessarily be the most loved by one, since there are several factors that influence that decision.
It happens like in love relationships because the most physically beautiful is not always the one that represents the most to you.

As for me, it hurts me not to be able to show photos of cars because I have never been able to have one and at this point in life I won't either because the prices of cars here have been a luxury for workers.
In any case, I will try to participate in the initiative. Happy week. Slaud and greetings.


Thank you! You're right, when it comes to possessions it's all about that emotional connection with the item(s). I think the days of having to own a car here in the US are coming to a close with the introduction of autonomous ride sharing vehicles like Tesla's CyberCab and Waymo. There are so many expenses associated with owning a car it'll be nice to be free from the burdens of ownership.