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RE: Memoir Monday #37 (11/18-11/24) - Write about a favorite teacher.

in #memoirmonday3 months ago (edited)

Teachers in my country still have the similar problems. Rather than treating them with kid gloves, they are appointed as a teacher much later the university and they are faced with low salary.

As for my favorite teacher, he was my English teacher. He was with us till we graduated from the high school. If I am able to write in English on HIVE today, it is also thanks to him 🫶

Unfortunately, I learnt that he is still working as a teacher despite being at his 60s :/


I'm sorry to hear the situation is similar in your country! Thankfully good people are still willing to make the sacrifice to teach. I'm happy to hear your teacher made such a positive impact on you! It's common here in the US for teachers to work well into their 60's and sometimes beyond.