The latest season of Stranger Things has been out or a while already, but myself and the missus never got around to watching it. Until the world's apocalypse kicked in, that is. This damn disease and the lifestyle changes that come with it, has actually given us time to catch up on great television shows from the past. The recent and not-so-recent. We had long been done with season one of Stranger Things, that was simply phenomenal and enjoyable to the max. So, we're gonna dive in on the whole damn saga once more. And what an awesome show it is. Also it really captures the mood of one of my favourite era's, the 80's! A time when fashion meant wearing a pair of speedos on roller skates. Nobody gave a fuck! It was all so chilled and non-judgemental back then. That's how I remember it anyways...

One of the highlights for me back then, was sneaking into the cinema to watch 1989 classic "Pet Semetary". I wasn't even a teenager yet however attempted to don more adult-looking attire. My friends didn't stand a chance as I was always a fair bit taller than them, so I walked up to the cashier, lowered my voice as far as I could take it and said "One ticket... Pet Semetary." Jeez, it actually worked! The woman never gave me a second glance! Eyes rolling back in my head, I moved swiftly down the corridor and into the theatre. What a rush is was at the time! And I don't regret it one single bit as that movie was f'ing great. Man, was I the popular one at school the next day or what...
Going even further back, I recall my mom taking me to see "E.T." for the first time. I believe that was when my undying passion for movies came to fruition. I changed my perspective on life and opened up an imagination I'd never thought possible. For weeks after, I lamented over having one of my very own E.T's so I could bring it to school and be the talk of the town. Such was the mind of a child back then. But a memorizing and magical part of my youth that I wouldn't change for the world.
Finally, who can forget Eddie Murphy when he was at the top of his game. I'd just got back from a family trip to the USA and movie classic Beverly Hills Cop was playing at out local. Well, let's start by saying that I love America and the incredible beauty it holds within. We'd actually toured through Hollywood, as well as seeing much of California, especially Los Angeles so the fresh scenery and summer heat was literally burnt into my mind. So watching the movie brought a whole other level of excitement and thrills of being able to relate firsthand to the look and feel of all the environments on film. I loved the connection and bond I felt at that point, falling in love with a part of the world as much as I did. Everything was so glossy, extravagant and straight up "cool". Fond memories indeed.
Yeah, as you can see, I do love reminiscing about a time in my life where responsibility was an afterthought and maximizing on "fun" took priority. I'm sure there are times in your life where you'd just love to escape back to and revisit all over again. What a shame time just travels in one unbending straight line, lol...

As a kid we watched a movie once a year and I can assure you it was rough.. Not many of us could afford going to the movies and our location was quite not a movie zone as there was under development at a high rate. I am happy when people get to share these stories about them and there childhood. I have watched pet semetary not long ago yeah! That's how bad it can go but yes I have accepted my place and I want to work to change that hopefully soon!