This topic touches my heart very deeply because many of us are mainly focused on material things instead of creating experiences that will go with you life after life.
I am NOT saying material things are bad to have, you should pursue them to improve your quality of life any time you can; however, material things are Not everything we should be focusing on. You can see them as blessings as long as your focus is on living life the best way possible, and not stepping on anyone to get them at all.
In the end, anything you take with you are called Memories, and no one will take those away from you. Embrace your experiences to the highest level, because material things will be taken away from you in the end.
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".
Stay blessed.
so true we had come in this world with empty hands and we will go from this world empty hands too... so why we struggling a lot and doing so hard work for better life ,so we must need to live our life and make memories as much we can because at the ends all will be in our heart and soul what we had experience @javybar
Very well said! Can you imagine now, money defines our wealth right now and we die without it. What's really our wealth then? It's crazy for me to think about that
great post on memories i love to collect my sweet memories😊
All about living in the moment and truly being present. Great topic and post @javybar! Have a great day my friend!
that's so inspirative thought really in this word human start to love things and use people that's why there are no memories and joy let ... all we need to do this love people and use the things to correct everything @javybar
very well said. If we don't try to have quality of experiences, we basically are wasting this life time, because money won't go with you, only what you have lived. Thank you :)
Very well said. I agree with you.
In this world we came with nothing not even with any memory but when we live here several beautiful memory is created which are most precious and give the most courage when you have strong beautiful memory...We are here in this world for certain period of time so tangible things are there with us till we exist on earth but once we live this world nothing remain with us but only beautiful memory...So create as much as memory you can which will gives you ultimate happiness which you cant buy or have it...@javybar
totally agree with your wise words my friend, it was excellent for me. :)
Stay blessed@javybar , You are very right. We should live in this world as, that people remember us in good memory after this life. Every body will be asked on the day of judgement that what he did in life bestowed by Allah.
Leaving and living great memories is what really counts. thank you for your contribution
@javybar, Excellent motivation quote indeed motivation discussion. I agree with you this time. Peoples must remember keep great memories our life time. Materials any time can find. But without our better quality no meanings there. Every time peoples need to seek best attitudes and memories. That's enough to staying to live.
Creating memories are important for everyone my friend. We come to this world to have a human experience and we deserve good experiences. thank you for your contribution.
Buenos dias javybar , es verdad , nuestros recuerdos son un legado solo nuestro.
Considero que al morir lo unico que llevamos es un morrarl con nuestras culpas y pecados , es decir hasta en la muerte llevamos nuestros recuerdos .
Feliz dia! Mucha razon. Pienso que esa es la riqueza que nos llevamos y hay que saber loq ue uno se lleva. El dinero no es riqueza al final, es solo una ilusion.
That's very well said @javybar. We all stay live with memories. If we have sadness moment stay near by our relations not a material things. Memory experience much important. So try to improve quality.
Creating memories are important for everyone my friend. Stay focus on quality of experiences, Keep it up!
Yeah memories are the impression that time leave on us...
Happy or sad memories are too precious to lose. I would not trade anything with my memories, although they are mostly harsh!
Very well said :) You memories and experiences is all you take with you. It should very important for us more than material things. Thank you for your contribution. Following you now :)
Thanks for sharing great topic.
Stay blessed.
Steem on@javybar 100% agree with your great opinion . If we born then definitely we must die . This is Bitter truth our life . So we have small life we must make sweet great memory until we die. Good memory always alive .
Memories are the only thing we get to keep my friend. Let's build good ones :)
You are absolutely right, our memory is like a tree: it grows in time and grows with it, it becomes bigger and more magnificent. This is the only paradise from which we can not be expelled.
Thank you for the spiritual post.
Very nice thoughts, never looked at it that way. Thank you! :)
I tottaly agree with you, this topic is the best one, good memories we never forget, and they still with you life time. We are spent good time with family friends and close friend go outside places and spend time in collage university we are not forget.
I loved your every post because it's motivate me and I wanna still walk with you friend 🙂 you are very kind person.. ✨
I totally appreciate your kind words. It makes me feel my words are not being taken by the wind. Glad the content is useful for many. Thank you very much :)
Your welcome, you are so cute 🙂
Memories is the best part of life, we should take care of your memories, we should try to makes a best memories of life and spent times other poor humanity and who they are hurts sad, try to away from others peoples worries and makes good impact on peoples, because we are not still alive in world, one day we leave all of us.. so we try to good deeds and help other peoples
Life is short and you only live once. Make a collection of memories you can be proud about.
Very well said :) You memories and experiences is all you take with you. It should very important for us more than material things. Thank you for your contribution.
i impressed to hear your experiences and i think it is good advice for me... i am a new follower of you and i waiting for your next post ....
Thanks, nice to know you think it's a good content. Following you as well :)
Memory is far more valuable than tangible things as memory never end but tangible things do and it gives you the motivation of your life if you have collection of beautiful memories...
totally agree with you my friend!
A great person named abdul kalam said its sometimes good to bunk class with your friends and have fun cause when you look back marks don’t make you laugh,memories does. I totally agree that we only take memories and leave memories so do things for which people will remember you and do things which you’ll remember and smile amazing post.thanks
awesome opinion my friend, i appreciate your contribution. :)
Yse that’s true in the end we took only memories...because we come in earth with empty hand and we go with empty hand...only its matter we took some memories....great post @javybar
We come and go empty my friend, very right !
soo true dear sir @javybar everything materlistic will be distroy as well as your body and the thing which will remain is the time you spend your behaviour your chara ter and soo other would also have the same from you your thoughts behaviours and life style etc great thought!
Very well said :) You memories and experiences is all you take with you. It should very important for us more than material things. Thank you for your contribution.
Exactly, you are pretty much good at this point that we should embrace ourselves to the highest level. Being materialistic, we can't earn everything. We should concentrate in making beautiful memories.
Totally agree with you my friend :) thank your for your contribution :)
In today's world people give more importance to things as compared to humans ...And memories are related with humans.SO we need to give importance to feelings of humans not materialistic things :)
Wow very nice said my friend, thank you :)
Beautiful memories are the living power of life. It's a beautiful gift of god for people so everyone should preserve the beautiful moments of life as memories, so that you can live the beautiful moment without the other. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful lesson to the people, wish you a very beautiful time ahead.
Thank you for stopping by my friend. Memories are the ones we have left after everything. we should enjoy them the best way possible :)
very well said my friend and no doubt material things are not stay with us forever, the thing which help us after this life is our good karma and we can do it by generating brilliant outcome from our energy, health and resources which is beneficial to the mankind, maintain good karma is great course and it will help us in the end, thanks for sharing your nice thoughts about life with us friend and your thoughts help me to live my life in better way, Stay blessed
Very nice comment my friend. Good karma is one factor of the type of experiences we will have. I appreciate you take this blog to your own advantage. stay blessed.
Thanksfor sharing this post with all of us. @javybar
Rightly said , In the end of the destination in life only moments such as joy or sorrow remain with us they can be painful or full of happiness but these are the only thing which we can have it forever not money people like to posses more and more but they don't take it anywhere they can make them for sure but not forever but those who have love beside them know its real value.
Thanks a lot again for sharing this
Have a great day ahead,
Very well said :) You memories and experiences is all you take with you. It should very important for us more than material things. Thank you for your contribution.
It's so simple and at the same time so hard. Many will say, how you can think about the spiritual, when you have nothing to eat. But no matter how hard it is to understand, it's true. No matter how much money you have, you can live richly or poorly, your memories and feelings are something, that no one will take away from you
i really like the words ... in thatpicture
Really you are right . Because this topic is also touch my heart . Nice motivation I like it.
Hy @javybar usually I read your posts but this post is touch my heart. Very beautiful post
Thaks the sharing you views ..
I like your point that you love other then other love you. It is reality in the world if you give flower then take flower if you give pain then other peoples never give back flower
It is true my friend:
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
that's true we only have one life so all we need to live fully make memories forget the worry and walk with your head high this is life to live not to spend @javybar
Great post..Loved the amazing information great to see it and yes memories is a thing that always remains in us..@javybar
Memories are sweet memories that exist in all humans, and will never be forgotten
I like it . This motivation can change people's life. Great job dear you are great motivate
surely you are right memories and loving of people are the important things in our life so we should loving people and respecting them Because the treatment is likewise
Thanks @javybar
very well post dear lovely friend @javybar. great writing and job.
keep it up dear
great post and good job dear bro @javybar. i all like and suppoer your post dear.
i just resteem your post dear
Thank's for your memories...
It's great experience...
Memories are more important than everyother thing in this world.being materialistic can give us nothing except contrite in the end
great post and good job dear bro @javybar. i all like and suppoer your post dear.
Memories are sweet memories that exist in all humans, and will never be forgotten
memories is a thing that is not easy to forget especially with regard to the beautiful memories will be hard to forget I'm sure you must have beautiful memories in your life thanks
I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life now.
I'm totally agreed with you man, your positive attitude always make me smile and I feel freshness. Thanks man!Someone said and I felt it very deep dear @javybar:
I believe ,"A life without name is nothing."
The thing we achieved by hard work , it has more taste more than the pain we take for it
Beautifully said the world we see today will not last forever for us only the memories we will make will remain with us these are the moment to cherish forever :)
Best sword is pen and best thing to live is memories :) :)
Memories are always a constant source of happiness according to psychology and it gives a boost to one's life by taking him/her in the past.
yes agreed the one thing in life that never dies and ends are some great memories <3 <3