I have thousands of photos on my iPad and phone. Pictures of parties and holidays, birthdays and weddings, countryside and pictures sent which are funny or sad. I am sure I am not alone in this.
My grand daughter the other day was going through them all and asking questions and the memories it brought back telling her who was in the picture, where it was taken and why were a lovely way to spend an afternoon.
When my daughter came to collect her we got talking and she asked me what was the 100th picture on my iPad - she then went through her phone to find her 100th picture.
I wanted to share with you what my picture was .........
This was a body suit I brought from America for my God son for his first Halloween - he would have been 3 months old
I know it's not an exciting picture but I remember where for who and why and the sight of him in it - omg he looks so adorable.
Maybe tomorrow it will be the 200th picture 😀😀
It's a quality idea. I've had the same sd card for 4 phone contracts. It's got about 2500 shots on it. Ranging back 6-7 years. I'm going to look through now.........
@markperandin what is the 456th photo ? What memories does it hold for you ? Be nice to see
There it is. No. 456.