My Notes On: Amanda BillyRock in New Zealand! Interview conducted by Jeffrey Tucker

in #memoryhole8 years ago

I mainly just wanted to (sorta) get this on the blockchain for future reference. We were discussing DASH on SteemSpeak and the notion of having a YouTube personality promoting STEEM. Then I found this article:

Amanda Billyrock is Amanda B. Johnson of The Daily Decrypt

I knew she was involved in the Free State Project, but that's all I knew. I didn't know about her time in New Zealand. I wish there were videos of her on her amanda-b-scooter.

She talks about her experiences learning the libertarianisms. It was almost beat-for-beat the process I went through. Except that she became an actual activist that did stuff while I just continued to study.

Amanda BillyRock, the now legendary libertarian activist, has moved to New Zealand to find more freedom. Here she speaks of what it took to make the choice and then discovering that many other Americans have done the same.


i find amanada to be so great at explaining cryptocurrencies

Yeah, she is great a parroting things you can easily read for yourself. That, plus spreading quite a bit of untruths. She is lazy and often does not research things, just spews out what others have told her.

Well that's too bad you feel that way. I think she is a very intelligent woman, I appreciate her work in trying to teach others about cryptocurrency because it can be a very difficult thing for beginners to understand. I haven't found it to be the case whatsoever that she spreads any untruths of misinformation or that she is lazy, from what I see she is actually a very productive person :)

Thanks - I've never heard of her but will check this out - always good to see who has moved into the hood!

Welcome to freedom Amanda :-)