For some, icloud has been part of their lives for many years but for me it's a relatively recent thing.
Maybe 3 years or so.
Where I was living I didn't have cell phone reception so I just didn't need an iphone and I have never bought myself one. I got the one I own as a gift from my daughter when she upgraded hers and have had it ever since.
As you will tell by the quality of these pictures the camera on the photo has much to be desired but the subjects are all very close to my heart!!When @enginewitty's competition came up I ummed and arrhed about joining as I thought there wasn't much of a memory lane to go down but I was pleasantly surprised by the first few photos on my phone.
This first photo is of my gorgeous grandbaby Mackenzie... She's a big school girl now but I look at this photo and my heart melts as she was such a sweet baby 🥰🥰
The second picture is a photo of a very old photo of me at about 16 or 17 and omgosh I wish I could look as good as I did then!!!! lol
The third picture is of my grandson Micaiah on our trip over to Brisbane, Australia. He was having a great time climbing up walls and walking on the top of them. 😍
Picture 4 is my cat named Puss. (original I know but everyone gets her name right funnily enough) She is sitting in front of the fire amongst the firewood looking quite pleased with herself. It was a cold winters day and she wanted to get a close to the heat as possible.
Picture 5 is of my best friend Ashley a month or so before he died. We had gone on holiday to the bottom of the south island and we visited the Japanese Garden in Dunedin. He was laughing because he knew I was trying to take a picture and he kept walking into the frame... typical him!!!
If you'd like to join in the fun you can check out the competition post would like to thank @enginewitty for posting this competition.
I have really enjoyed seeing everyone's entries so far. 😀 Keep them coming!!!
I love the name of your cat😹😻
I know right lol so easy you can't forget :D
Amé la segunda foto, tiene estilo, ya quisiera yo verme así de bien también en la actualidad. Pero la foto de su mejor amigo, me llegó al corazón.
Thank you for the comment :) I miss my friend everyday and wish I could have him back
TipLovely photos going down memory lane Andy @andysantics48. Your grand babies are sweet. Sorry you lost your friend. 💕
Aww thanks for the Tipu @redheadpei. It was nice seeing those pictures - I enjoyed the walk :)
Most welcome Andy @andysantics48.
Have a wonderful day.🌺
A fun walk down memory lane @andysantic48, how the years go by. If only we could stop time for a little bit!
Oh I wish I could go back and have another go at life - the things I would do differently lol But in saying that I have seriously cute grandbabies!!!