Why Do People Think This is a Problem?

in #men6 years ago

1st a small section of reading, and no it does not take long, and it is not critical that you evaluate it; but most already have an opinion, and thus the reason for the blog.

"Genesis 3:1-6 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? (2) And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: (3) But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. (4) And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: (5) For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (6) And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat." KJV free Online version.

Folks this is not a religious based issue, more or less; but a point, and one that extends throughout history, and is as equally written about in secular books.

Well if you are now about to quit looking at this, I challenge you to look at just one line, and tell me what it means before I address what I see in it and in the world at large from this time period to even now!

"And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise,"

Folks men could not live without women, and vice versa, even though many today and throughout history would even argue with that statement; but perhaps for a later discussion. Women keep men going, they are what drives a man to do amazing things. While it is true women are emotional creatures, and often driven by these emotions; women in many generations, countries and times have been sorely abused and misused, and treated horribly. A few of them, as do a few men deserved what they got too.

But once again another story.

But in this one line, it speaks of a woman who is tired already of being second fiddle to anyone especially a man, and wants to change the playing field. Hey, can you blame her? They way it seems here is that she is to take care of the man, and nothing for her; but then that is not the whole of the story and to know the whole of the thing one would have to include the whole context of all the scriptures; and int hat we would see that a man and a woman are to be equals; except in just a couple of areas. And this is by the demand and asking of God, and for no other reason than that!

This line says this fruit would make one wise; and in the verse before this one was the most intriguing idea, that they would be as gods themselves.

So what was this woman seeking? Well what has women been demanding here in the USA for over 6 decades now? Equality in all things, which is exactly what they deserved from the start; but it does not stop there; for women already have the tools to be equals, but they demand even more, and as each step takes place they demand even more. So my obvious question is; When will it stop?

Some men are always going to treat women poorly; just as some women treat men poorly!

But, the problems are starting to rear their ugly head; such as issues are being pushed, and judged by emotions rather than old fashion common sense of the whole, and logical answers based upon facts rather than emotions which change as much as the wind. And these questions, answers, and solutions should be considered by God's Dine word over that of any man, or woman. For God sees, and knows all, and has written the guide book we need to live by...

But then women think the Bible is a lie, and against women to begin with, now don't they; so we can't even use that as a guide line, so all is lost. Or is it?

Women seek what? Equality? No, not really, they want what they want, what their hearts yearn for and that is emotions expressed openly, tenderly, and totally devoted to their personal needs.

Oh, what a grand idea! I totally agree, but then the majority of men are completely opposite, and actually neglect women and their needs when the Bible plainly tells them to supply the woman's every need, jast as it says the same for the woman to the man.

So I ask was this evident from the beginning as well? Why did Adam, who was wonder lust struck with the most beautiful woman that had ever been created, not just simply ask his wife: Sweetheart I think we need to think about this and ask God why again we should not eat this fruit? NO, Adam was lust struck weak, and putty in the woman's hands, and just went along with what ever she said; and then men wonder why many women go after the bad guy, the one who treats his woman like property; she wants a man that can stand on his own 2 feet, and actually make a decision; after all women of all ages have had to make most of the decision in life already. They want to be taken care of and treated like some one special as they are for they are the Mother of life! A very special title indeed!

Like I said this is not about sin, salvation or any of that; but simply about how things have now moved from one extreme to another. It is about men losing their drive in life, and it is documented now that the testosterone levels in all men of all races has dropped to their lowest levels since recording them started. Men are more passive, scared, and timid, it is getting worse; and the women quite the opposite. So a hormonal dominance coupled with uncontrolled emotional issues, and we have a pot of the proverbial stew that is about to boil over.

I see this ending in a battle where the world loses, big time.

But then who am I? Just a normal person with an opinion based upon accumulated facts of men and women.