Why you shouldn't "Save BIG money at MENARDS"

in #menards6 years ago (edited)

If you are not familiar with Menard, Inc it is the 3rd largest improvement chain in the US.

I worked there for 2 years when I was 20-22.

The owner is worth 11.2 billion is a major player with the Trump-Thumper crowd.

Before you feel like defending him because he is a conservative just remember, He was caught Read handed in his own truck back in '97 Trying do dump Chromium and arsenic laced wood ash

Oh yeah, and again in '03 for trying to sell toxic wood chips to PLAYGROUNDS

Separated at Birth??

And now here are some FUN OSHA violations I was subjected to:
  • Being forced to work on a 15ft ladder for 8 hours a day over concrete
  • Refused safety gear to clean up an entire PALLET of broken florescent tubes (The phosphor burns alone hurt for 2 days)
  • Improper wiring on ceiling fan displays/lights that electrocuted me and gave me a 2nd degree burn on my hand
  • God only knows how much mercury exposure

Since I cross trained as a cashier they made me work 13 hours on black Friday. They tried to make it 14 but I said I have been here longer than anybody in the store by several hours. If ya call my a "soiboi" or whatever the edgelords are saying now, you have obviously Never worked a Register on Black Friday.

*This last one is a fashion violation but being forced to wear a red rag in my back pocket

This is true: In the LBGTwhatever community wearing this in the back pocket is code that you are into Fisting

One of Johnny's private goons was visiting one day and didn't like the way I "Walked around on the store on the clock." I was on actually on break going to take a leak.

They then started watching me on camera and tried to catch me doing something wrong.

One day they hit me up on my radio and Said, "What are you doing out of your department?"

To which, my reply was "Are you following me around on Camera right now? I'm getting Inventory LOOK AT THE BOX I AM HOLDING IN MY HANDS"

Not realizing HR exists to protect the company not the employee I filed a complaint about being harassed. They waited 2 whole days before firing me for "incompetence"

A year later I bumped into an old supervisor and she said upper MGT told her when I that if I DID anything wrong tell them and I will be fired on the spot. She then said that was ridiculous because I was one of the best in the store and could have run electrical"

Also, in order to receive an employee discount it has to be deducted from your paycheck. You aren't allowed to use Cash or plastic. This allows them to sell items to you at cost and charge you almost full price. That's Practically out of the playbook of a 19th century company store



How about havin' to hear that annoying Menard's banjo jingle every minute on the minute? Save big money! With John's Menards on your chin!

Don't get me started on that Banjo music. it plays on a goddamn 90 second loop. I blocked out that memory until now.
It was sooo maddening. Just when you think you might be getting used to it. Used it it they switch to the as annoying Xmas jungle during the holidays and BAM!

Doing stuff like that in a military is a war crime.

Man, that place sounds like a whole wad of fisted bullshit. Remind me not to save big on the nards

Bonus fact TIME! He sexually assaulted a Business partner's wife in 2013 Source

Just wow. 'success' does such strange things to the human mind. I will gladly accept a life of mediocrity in exchange for not being a part of that type of headline.