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RE: Why I Bought 50% Of the Gold Foil Archmage Arius Supply

in #mene6 years ago

As usual, I agree with everything you say.

Yeah I try to make things as easy as possible so I’m trying to go with a very low number of highly value dense cards. Its probably because im lazy\efficient (lazcient?)

I have this theory that decentralization is overrated but I was scared to say it out loud here before hiring the archmage as my bodyguard. Sometimes I think the guys listen TOO much to all the 2k+ opinions of the player base and it becomes a bit of a distraction. Despite this, I still think they are still doing an awesome job obviously.

I should write a post on it....


BTW lazcient will never become "a thing".

Its on the chain now. Forever in his name.
We can invent all sorts of new words. Just posting them is claiming them; which is kind of amazing.

I wasn't even going to even acknowledge this reply those words are so bad. But then I didn't want you to feel unappreciated.
