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RE: Guaranteed Gold in This Post

in #mene24k7 years ago

Who says I sleep? :):). Thank you for reading so closely ! I love that you are so engaged in my stories! ... Yes the panning so SO tedious. It really did take forever, I did something similar 6 months ago or so : The value of the gold is pretty much nil lol. I do have a scale to weigh it out but its definitely not even a full gram. The interesting thing is these days in a major gold deposit 1 gram of gold per ton of rock is considered good grade, thats how rare gold is. Thanks for actually reading my stuff :)


honestly don't think you sleep, actually! I was just talking to myself about that the other day 😂. Just talking to myself, out loud, like I do sometimes... I was saying that I think you only must sleep 5 hours a night based on the times you post. Which is pretty impressive.

Thanks for answering my question, I was so curious about that! Of course I read your stuff. But no need to thank just make it really easy to do.

Some people say they don’t sleep but I think they are exaggerating. I REALLY don’t sleep. I know its true because of the amount of people that ask me if I sleep :).

Do you sleep?

Haha I know you don't sleep. Proof is in the steemit post times haha.

I stay up wayyy too late. But I definitely sleep about 8 hours. Ok sometimes only 5, but it's not sustainable. Now I feel inferior. What kind of sloth sleeps 8 hours per might?

Lol.... i think the question is... what kind of idiots sleep 5 hours a night

Lol maybe that's why your posts are so creative... sleep deprivation at it's finest