Real Talk: My Experience with Suicidal Thoughts & the Effect of Suicide in my life.

in #mentalhealth7 years ago


Today was a long day. I was out of the house working/taking my kid places for 14 hours today. The prompt was "Depression" which is a topic that is close to my heart. I wrote this without a timer, but it is definitely a 'freewrite' that I did whilst sitting in my car when my daughter was at a swing dance event/lesson thing for a bit tonight. I did get a video made, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. This is the only time I had to write all day.

These are my own personal thoughts and opinions and I hope it helps someone feel less alone. It is NOT intended to be an explanation for how depression affects anyone other than myself. It is not a "how to" deal with depression/suicidal thoughts. It is just my story.

So, suicide is in the news again. Unfortunately, two well known celebrities died by suicide over the last few days. I didn’t really know who either of them were before this point, so I wasn’t even second hand affected by the deaths in some personal way. However, the whole topic being brought to light of course raises… issues. It raises the subject.


Our last photo together. We got photos taken for our mom for Christmas that year.

My brother committed suicide in 1998, one month before my 4th child was born. I attended his funeral in maternity clothes. I got the call back from the doctor about a glucose test the morning after I had found out about his death. The nurse on the phone thought I was sobbing about the stupid glucose test. I was the one to call my dad to tell him that my brother Dusty’s body had been found. My husband was at work when we found out, and because I was 8 months pregnant and had a history of pretty serious emotional health issues myself, my husband broke every speed limit getting home to me.

I actually managed to hold it all together remarkably well, actually. I had to because my mom did not. I have yet to see anything as devastating as my mother’s reaction to her middle child’s unexpected death by suicide.

I could go on and talk about events leading up to that day or about our family history (let’s just say that at least one man from each generation committed suicide for I don’t even know how long in that family) or the generations of toxic skeletons in the closet, but this isn’t about that.

At the end of last year, I was (quite ironically) taking my youngest child to her very first therapy appointment to help her deal with her anxiety and depression. We had just walked into the waiting room when I got a message from my mom telling me to call my brother. I told her where I was and that I would have to call a little later, since I needed to meet with the therapist as well, since my daughter is underage. She then told me that our half brother (my dad’s son with his second wife) had committed suicide the night before.

I wasn’t close to that brother, I barely knew him as he grew up with my dad and we weren’t close. Still, my dad and my brother were understandably devastated.


30 years ago

All this brings me to my own suicide attempt. 30 years ago. Before either of my brothers ever thought about it. I was 17. My brothers would have been 12 and… 7. I think.

I suffered from pretty severe depression as a teen. I did not have a good childhood in many ways, but at that point in my life, I honestly didn’t remember much of any of the bad stuff. I didn’t remember anything before my ninth birthday. My memories were very sparse and spotty through the age of 13, actually.

My mother was married to an emotionally abusive man. He was physically abusive to his own sons, but he wasn’t with us… however living with that violence in any case is never a good thing. Add to that the years of abuse that I had blocked out at that time, an absent father and genetic predisposition to depression (and suicidal depression at that), it was a recipe for disaster.

I was in that stage of life where in hindsight, everything was okay. It wasn’t super amazing or anything, but I had close friends. I was ‘popular’ and very active in my youth group. I had a boyfriend. I was told repeatedly that if I just had more faith, God would take my depression away (both in sermons and in personal 'counseling' sessions).

This just made me feel like more of a failure. “If you will just give it to god, then Satan can’t have this hold on your mind anymore” “If you would just trust god with this, he’d heal you from these depressed thoughts” “There is no depression, it is just satan attacking your thoughts.” ETC. This isn't about religion in general, this isn't about Christianity in general, this is about my specific experience. I'm not going to hash out religious/Christian ideals, etc. Please Respect That.

Needless to say, that just made me try harder, feel like more of a failure and withdraw more. Instead of trying to talk to anyone, I hid my depressed thoughts. My dark thoughts. My self loathing, ‘you are so fucking stupid and worthless’ thoughts, because those weren’t thoughts that a “good” Christian should have and I wanted to be a good Christian more than anything. I wanted to have the faith that I saw other people have, because those people were always happy!

In hindsight, of COURSE they weren’t always happy. I’m sure some of them were just like me. Hiding their real feelings so that they could appear to fit in.

At any rate, at some point, the perfect storm of depression, severe insomnia, horrible constant nightmares and feeling more isolated than a person should feel when they’re surrounded by so many people… I hit rock bottom. I had a bad time at church. Something during youth group triggered a massive depressive episode. I refused to talk to anyone about it, because everyone else was so happy, having fun, loving life. I didn’t want anyone to know that I was failing. Again. I went home and was already dreading the night of tossing and turning, sleeplessness and having to get up in the morning to go to school. I laid in my bed and it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn’t want to DIE. I wasn’t thinking DEATH.

I just thought, “I would do anything not to wake up tomorrow. Like, I just want to not wake up for a month, or a year. I want to start again when I’m older and can do things “right”… THEN I will wake up and be okay.” It was as if I thought (and I carried this delusion for decades) that once I hit X age, then my mind would be healthy and mature and I would be like all of the ‘normal’ people.

I obviously wasn’t thinking rationally, but I just knew that I could not bare to be this person anymore. The teenage years seemed endless to me. The stresses, the home life, the drama of teenaged life, getting up every morning for work or for school after years of never sleeping well… it all dragged out before me in this neverending loop that was just absolutely not tolerable anymore. I could not do it one more day.

I went in the house and found all of the pain relievers I could find. I took hundreds of pills. My mom had just bought ibuprophen in bulk, because I very vividly remember the two empty bottles by my bed.

Then I laid down, ready to sleep for a good long while.

Soon thereafter, it struck me that this was a permanent choice to an impermanent solution. My brain warred with itself. I vacillated between “I can’t do this anymore, take it all away” to “Wait! I made a mistake!”

I called my boyfriend.

He told his parents, who called my parents and they came over to help take me to the hospital.

My mom sat with me in the backseat, while I zoned out. My step dad and my boyfriend’s dad sat in the front talking about farming like it was any other trip to town in the middle of the night. My brain was screaming at me, “SEE? You DON’T MATTER! You SHOULD HAVE STAYED HOME and ENDED IT.”

We arrived at the hospital ER and they gave me charcoal to drink. The Dr eventually came over and said, “You aren’t going to die from taking too much ibuprofen. You’ll only ruin your kidneys and have to be on dialysis for the rest of your life. You can only die from overdosing on prescription medicine.”

I left the hospital with a prescription for Prozac. Which I was terrified to take, because I was afraid I’d kill myself. I did take it later, after another severe bout with postpartum depression and the Prozac actually had a very negative effect on my and I ended up in the mental hospital, feeling suicidal again… but that’s another story.

I left the hospital with the requirement to go to therapy.

I suppose this is where you get the happy ending, but in reality:

Therapy at that stage in my life did not fix anything. I wasn’t ready to deal yet.

My path since then has not been linear. I have had many struggles, many ups and downs. But the important thing is, that I AM GLAD I DIDN’T DIE.

My brothers don’t get to look back and say, “Wow, I’m glad I survived.” They don’t get the chance, just like many others who succumb. That is so fucking sad.

If I had died at that point, I never would have met Patrick, my husband with whom I will celebrate 24 years of marriage this month.

If I had died, I would have not had my five kids, who are all amazing grown human beings that I think make the world a better place.

I feel guilty sometimes that I had kids, because some of them did inherit my depression, my anxiety and who knows what other issues, BUT I also know (as do they) that they can talk to me about ANYTHING. They know that I will do what I can to help them or just listen. I've taught them from a very young age that I am a safe person to talk to. They can trust me with their struggles. They also know our family history of depression (amongst other things) because I not only see no reason to hide it like it's shameful, but I think that doing so is harmful.

That's all the time I have for today, but I imagine that this is a topic that I'm going to talk about again in the future.

I am not writing any of this to judge anyone at all. I wish my brothers had been able to fight another day, but I've been through enough that I also understand how they got to the point of feeling that they couldn't.

That's all I've got. It's late and I'm exhausted.

BTW: Sometimes Depression looks like this:



Reach out to those you care about and let them know.


I appreciate your honesty and am sending you so much love for sharing this story. The first time I thought about taking my own life was in grade 4. Gratefully, I never went through with it, though my uncle did. I also remember riding in the car with my best friend when she took a whole bunch of pills, then decided maybe that wasn't the way she wanted it to end.

It is of vital importance that we respect each other, that we realize mental health affects everyone in one way or another, and that we stop giving people the sense that they have to hide it all away. None of us are alone, even though it can feel like it.

Big hugs and huge love to you, your family, and everyone who is touched by depression. Blessings!💖

It is of vital importance that we respect each other, that we realize mental health affects everyone in one way or another, and that we stop giving people the sense that they have to hide it all away. None of us are alone, even though it can feel like it.

Absolutely THIS. I hear so many people talk about their depression/mental illness like it's something that only they have to deal with, that it makes them 'broken' or defective and I think the only way to combat that is to be more open. People need to not feel isolated when so many of us deal with it.

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You inspire me not to give up! Thank you for sharing your story.

Thank you for the comment. I really REALLY hope that you can be inspired to keep on keeping on. It's worth it <3

Thank you, byn, for being the real person you are. And I too am glad that you didn't succumb that day - or any other day that might have sounded like a good idea.

Thank you <3

This is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry, @byn, that you and your family went and are going through this. I'm glad you didn't succumb too <3 You're an amazing human being!

Thank you. I appreciate your support! <3

Those bottom two pics really tell the story, don't they.

I know lots of people can't handle other people's depression and try to talk them out of it but I'm not scared of it, seeing I'm not scared of my own. (Though of course I am so sad for your brother that he couldn't see his way clear) 😢

But the most horrifying part of your tale for me is this line: "My step dad and my boyfriend’s dad sat in the front talking about farming like it was any other trip to town in the middle of the night."

We wanna talk about why people wanna end their lives, it's most definitely shit like that. I'm sorry they couldn't bring themselves to "see" you.

My step dad was emotionally and physically abusive to my mom and his kids. He didn't care about me at all and it wasn't a surprise. Just a glaring, pointed thing that has always stuck with me. My mom had terrible taste in men.

At any rate, I really appreciate your support and comments. :) Thank you for taking the time to read and reply!

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and thunder curator should be coming by in a few days.

Oh, THANK YOU!!! I truly appreciate the support! :) I really need to learn more about this steembasicincome AND thundercurator. :/ I am overwhelmed by it all.

Well, for right now, just enjoy receiving SBI. Basically, you are getting an upvote on every post. It is small. but the more shares you have, the higher the upvote. To sponsor someone, you send 1 Steem to @ steembasicincome with the name of the person you want to sponsor. Then you and the person you sponsor gets a share added to their total. Win,win....

Thundercurator gives a 300% upvote. YOu send 0.120 SBD with the post you want upvoted in the memo of the transfer. They come, check that it is not plagiarized and give an upvote and a resteem. Best to send new posts since they are running a few days behind. It is a manual upvote service, not a bot.

I do NOT get the whole bots thing, I start getting lost with the 'buying votes' thing and end up just skipping it altogether, which isn't helping anything, but I've just been so completely easily overwhelmed by crap lately. Of course not making much money on much of my writing that I'm spending so much time on isn't helping, either, so I need to get off my ass and put time and attention on it and figure it out!

Thank you for explaining everything in such simple terms. I already feel a little less lost.

Good. thundercurator is a guaranteed upvote. I don't do bots - only the new one with the alliance. If you are a member of qurator, you can use the qustodian bot. That one is safe too because it refunds you if they don't have enough of an upvote.
The other bots I mostly stay away from.
If you are not a qurator member - that is where I would start. And thundercurator.

Your story just like mine, the different is my brother become drug addicts instead killing himself.... And I.... As long as I remember I just wanted to die... Sometimes I hurt myself, I didn't kill myself because I'm too afraid of hell (I grow up in a community which strongly believe in God) and this is my only reason never committed suicide. These day I feel more like a failure since I failed in anything I tried to reach. You're lucky to have a caring husband and kids.

My brothers all became addicts as well. I just barely touched the surface of any of the story, of course. My cousin made and sold meth, went to prison and died at some point in the last few years. I don't really know, since I cut off 99% of my extended family well over a decade ago. It was the healthiest thing I could have ever done.

I'm sorry you can relate. I definitely still have huge waves of feeling like a failure at everything. Still, to this day. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't have even had kids because the guilt for mistakes I made (even those that are just in my own head) is so tremendous that it wants to crush me. Same with my marriage... but yes, I am VERY VERY luck to have my husband, who has pulled me out of the muck more times than I can count. And extremely lucky to have these kids in my life.

I'm so so sorry that you feel that way. :( My husband struggles a LOT with feeling like a failure, especially now after he's failed at so many financial things and we're always barely scraping by. Those feelings of failure can be so consuming and overwhelming.

I hope both of you can keep holding on and become a survivor...
I hope you can fight your own monster.
I know how heavy all those feelings... For me, I've no body to talk about it, here all mental health problems is like a big secret, and if you show your weakness people gonna call you drama queen.

I don't really talk to much of anyone in real life. Writing is my outlet. It isn't even that people would judge me, but part of my own problem is that when I'm depressed, I can NOT seem to reach out. I just write. Writing, journaling has been my therapy through so many things. Way before the internet, when I dealt with my childhood abuses, I filled dozens of notebooks while I worked through stuff.

When it came up again later in my life, I wrote online in my 'livejournal' and now I'm here. I find writing to be therapeutic and it seems to get the worst of the thoughts out of my head. It's kind of cathartic to just stop the thoughts from cylcing over and over and put them down on paper/the screen. Even if it's just a short reprieve, it does help me. Maybe that would work for you?

I hope you find what you need. There is "help" available here, but it is way too expensive, even when we had insurance, it was way too expensive and hard to find competent help. The very few people that I do talk to outside of my husband and kids just don't understand and I hate to burden them with my problems. Thus... it always comes back to writing. Then I figure that people can read it if they want, or ignore it if they need to.

Yes, you're right.... I used to write my thoughts in paper and then burn it, but recently.... I feel too lazy to do anything... Lol

I thought in western world mental health problems is something every one can reach out... I just know that it's not.

I also never talk about my thoughts in real life, because I always think everyone got their own problems... Keep strong my friend 💗 They said there would be beautiful day after storm.

God, I get that not being able to reach out. Depression is made of walls of steel and reinforced by big gobs of shame

I don't feel ashamed at all. I used to, as a teen, but I'm well past that at this stage of life. I wish that shame wasn't something associated with it, but I do understand that is a factor for a lot of people.

I don't reach out mainly because (and it's taken a lot of thought to even figure myself out) being around people drains me. There are VERY few people that I feel recharged by and even if someone is trying to help, I just seem to absorb their emotional... energy or whatever and just the thought of being around people makes me tired.I should probably find more people in my life that make me feel recharged, but that's one of the catch 22 things for me. Trying to find people that I can connect with, without feeling drained OR feeling like I shouldn't bother them with my problems when I know they have plenty of their own... well... I just have to hope that my husband doesn't die before me, I guess. Because it's mainly him. I don't fall apart without him or anything, but he's one of the rare people that seems to help me.

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Hi @byn

Thank you for sharing your story, you are an inspiration to many of us and am sorry you had to experience what you did. I think it's fantastic that you felt you could post about this, others who also find there therapy in writing may now feel like they too can reach out. Endless respect for you lovely lady, you are amazing! #no1mum #girlpower

Thank you. I appreciate the support!

Your post has been chosen for this week’s Powa Moves curation post
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Thank you so much!

So many people suffer from depression yet those of us who do feel so alone. It's important for people to feel comfortable sharing these feelings. Thank you for doing so.

Writing has ALWAYS been my outlet. I can't seem to talk to people or reach out, but I can always write and it helps a lot. Thank you for the comment.

Thank you for such a fantastically honest freewrite, Byn.

Thank you for the support! :)

Thank you, mama. I keep thinking it would be good if we all share what has helped us. The more strategies we have, the better. I also feel the crush when these high profile suicides come. I dont know either of them either, but it feels like a fallen comrade every single time. That feeling of being a burden is a huge one. Its super painful. Thanks for sharing your story. It is appreciated, and im always available to talk.