The first method presented for boosting self-esteem (and in turn, reducing depression through cognitive behavioral therapy) is "talking back" to your inner critic. Well, I tried it but the process raised a question - is Rational Redirection helpful or just plain hokey?
When writing my answers, I admit I thought they sounded overly optimistic or at the very least... forced. But I persevered in order to continue the activity! Here are my answers written in the Emotional Intelligence workbook:
Irrational Negative Thought: "I'm a lazy individual and I never get anything accomplished."
My thought process: I feel like no matter how much work I do each day, it is never enough. I feel guilty and ashamed for not doing more.
Rational Redirection: "I work towards my goals every day (even if only a little bit)."
My thought process: I really do work on my business every day, yet I feel just as guilty on the days I work extremely hard as I do on the days I don't get as much done. I am disqualifying my own effort!
Irrational Negative Thought: "I'm stagnant and can't move forwards with my life and goals."
My thought process: I feel like the effort I'm putting forth right now is not worth it because the end result will be the same.
Rational Redirection: "I have been putting forward effort every day and looking back, I have come a long way."
My thought process: The fact that I am even trying to move forward is proof that I am. Previously, I did not even care about my own health and wellbeing. At least now I am starting to.
Irrational Negative Thought: "I'm never going to get a handle on my negative emotions and will be depressed my whole life."
My thought process: Even after putting forth such effort towards maintaining my health, I am enduring excessive negative emotions. Will continued effort prove fruitful or just tire me out?
Rational Redirection: "It's irrational to assume I will always be depressed - I am not a fortune teller. Just because I feel like I will always be sad doesn't make it true!"
My thought process: I may very well be depressed my entire life... but giving up now would ensure that I am.
What I learned?
The Rational Redirection process certainly sounded hokey... but my answers were honest. I realized that my responses to my inner critic were true, even if they sounded overly optimistic. Also, this process is not a quick fix or an overnight cure. Boosting self-esteem takes time and dedication so I cannot expect to see results immediately. Therefore, I will keep moving forward and put forth effort every day!
<3 Lexie
Photo #1 from Pexels and used under the CC0 license. Photo 2 taken by Lexie.
Original article posted April 4, 2017 by Lexie on the official SunshowerPrintables blog.
P.S. I MADE IT! 62 REPUTATION! Thank you to everyone who has helped me get this far :) I really appreciate the upvotes and follows... 63 here we come ;)
This is a wonderful method to channel towards positive thoughts. But as you have experienced it yourself, it does take a long time to master it. Appreciate the honest post. upvote :)
Thank you :)