Sorry if the comment came off as tone deaf. I actually worked my ass off to afford that time off... 12 years without a break, the last eight in a job that left me feeling I could kill myself now or I could use my savings to try and do something different and if it doesn't work out, then kill myself. At the end of it I found a job I love, but I've been working there for two years without a vacation. So, now, a break.
As for the rental property, the money wasn't "lying around." There are mortgages and credit card bills now and a hell of a lot of interest that's going to sink us because we needed to replace the windows before the rest of the glass fell out, and now there's no income, even though we only borrowed the money because we had the season completely booked. We took what seemed like a reasonable risk on a business venture and it looks like it was a mistake. We tried to take the fruits of our labor and turn it into something more, but this virus has really knocked the legs out from under that plan.
I was just trying to focus on the positive of having a little mental breathing space at the moment. And a chance to be away from people, because I actually enjoy isolation.
I know everyone else is in the shit just like we are, and without a lot of the advantages we've had. Doesn't mean I can't try and feel a little bit of pleasure at the circumstances, at least until the walls come crashing down.
In any case I really enjoy your work. I hope you can find the inspiration to keep creating in the current climate, and keep the anxiety at bay.
I'm no fan of class envy. I begrudge no one their success whether it was earned, stolen, of inherited...but yeah "tone deaf" is a perfect term here.
better you'd have added some extra advice of empathy than anecdotes about how you're able to look at the bright side. crapping on your comment is a tad counter productive towards the goal of the blog, LOL.
Glad you like my work, I'll do my best to muddle through the stress and put out more.